The First: Good Directions by Billy Currington
This came on the radio the other night and I hadn't heard it in years. I forgot how delightful the story in this song is - made only more charming by Billy's heavy twang. For the record: don't ask me what turnip greens are. I don't know and I didn't take the time to google it. Please share with the class if you do.
The Second: Singles You Up by Jordan Davis
This song is a little silly (is "singles you up" even a term?? I don't know.) but it's catchy and we all know I'm a sucker for catchy songs. I'm also a sucker for Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Just, like, in case you're new here and wanted to get me a treat.
The Third and Final: In The Blood by John Mayer
CONTROVERSY. Is this country music? Or is this just John Mayer being his kinda folksy John Mayer-y self?? Please discuss.
JRfm deemed this country and if we're all being real here I've been waiting years for an excuse to sneak some jaymay into CMF so I'll take this as a sign to do so. (Even though this really isn't country music if you ask me... shhh...)
I'm going on an outdoor adventure tomorrow that I'm hoping includes ice cream and fireworks at some point. There's only so many sunny summer weekends left and we gotta make the most of them before the winter descends again. And to me, making the most of them means getting ice cream and watching fireworks.
Anyways. See you in August.
Thanks for listening!