June 7, 2013

My loves this past week

Today’s Country Music Friday selections are just the songs that have been spinning around in my head for the last week or two, either because of the artist, the lyrics, or the video. I hope you enjoy!
The First: Not Fooling Anyone by Buddy Brown 

So this guy is awesome. I discovered him two weeks ago and have been spending a lot of time listening to all of his originals and covers on youtube. I highly suggest that you do the same. Also: his name is Buddy Brown! So, similar to folks like Tim Hicks, how could he not be a country musician? I enjoy this song because I think that the bridge is clever and the song slowly unravels the story of what happened the night before. Kind of like an episode of CSI or another cop drama when you see the outcome (murder) and slowly figure out how it all played out. That got dark much faster than I intended... just listen to the song.

The Second: Everything Has Changed by Taylor Swift ft. Ed Sheeran

In the time that has not been spent listening to Buddy Brown since this video was released on Wednesday night, I have been watching this on repeat instead. I already really liked this song, but I LOVE this video. I think it’s so sweet and wonderful and adorable and perfect. I love that they’re doing yoga while the other kids are playing soccer. I love that she is sewing a patch onto his jacket. I love that he is reading to her. I love how meticulous she is when decorating her gorgeous cookie. I love that he is reading the newspaper and drinking coffee on the bus. I love it all and I love the creativity and beauty in their friendship. 

The Third and Final: Easy by Sheryl Crow

I think this may be the first week when the ladies have outnumbered the men! Unless we count Ed Sheeran, then it would make it even. But still, I think that’s impressive. I like that this song is about making your own happiness, despite your situation. Yes, it may be pouring rain, but that doesn't have to ruin their day.
Thanks for listening!

May 31, 2013

An important message.

Hello, Good Morning, and TGIFBTMICMF! (aka Thank goodness it’s Friday because that means it’s Country Music Friday!)

It’s been a couple weeks and things have certainly been booming in the country music arena! This week’s selection is brought to you by: Summer. 

There have been so many awesome new songs released lately that I been forced to react to by yelling, alone in my car, “OMGTHISISGOINGTOBEMYNEWSUMMERJAM!”

Now, as you probably know, I often exclaim things to myself (or sometimes other drivers) while I’m alone in my car. But what I bet you didn’t know is that I use the term “jam” in my everyday vocabulary. Yeah. I know. I’m hip like that. Try not to get too close. You may catch hypothermia because I am so cool. So settle in - it’s a good one this week! (But let’s be honest, we’re talking about country music here: they’re all good ones.)

The First: Boys ‘Round Here by Blake Shelton

Like you didn’t think this was going to be on here. I’ve just been loving this new Shelton song. It’s amazing. It’s got a little hint of that ‘country rap’ that Jason Aldean paved the way for with Dirt Road Anthem two years ago, but also fully embraces the hillbilly by interspersing “re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-redneck” to emulate a record scratch in the background. How clever. And, of course, let’s not forget my favourite and least favourite line in the entire song, the line that marks the culmination of the chorus, the line that makes me want to puke and sing along all at the same time: Chewtobacca, chewtobacca, chewtobacca, spit.
Just amazing. I also very much enjoy the cameo appearances of the cow, the piglet, and the chickens. Because why not.
(PS He also references/makes fun of ‘the dougie’)

The Second: Beat This Summer by Brad Paisley

haha, just kidding:

He’s right. There’s no way we’ll be able to beat this summer. Because this summer is going to be awesome. AMIRYTE? Serious item to research: are there any boardwalks in my town that I can go hang out on? I feel like that needs to happen this summer. Why? Because Mr. Paisley basically just told me that I have to.  Please note that I almost left this song out of this week’s selection because I have been in a 4 year-old war with a friend David about what the best season is (autumn, of course) and I wasn’t sure if this would weaken my argument. But then I thought, “No. Karla The Martyr would never allow a silly vendetta to disservice you, the readers of CMF.” So here you go. You’re welcome.

The Third and Final: Find Me a Baby by Josh Turner aka The Best Looking Guy in Country Music

Because summer is when all the good-lookin’ ones come out of the shadows and grace us with their chiselled chins and six packs and tans. And who better to represent them than the deep-voiced beauty that is Josh Turner? Answer: No one. There is no one better.

Thanks for listening!

May 10, 2013

Lists and whatnot

Time to celebrate – it’s Friday, CMFers!

I feel like all the songs that I’ve been loving lately have involved some sort of list-making. What I mean by this is that a large portion of the song lyrics are comprised of the artist listing off all the wonderful things about their love interest. Or all the things about themselves that their love interest makes better. In some cases the love interests are people. In other cases they are a time of year. Or a country. Did I lose you on that last one? That’s okay. You’ll see what I mean soon enough.

The First: Friday Night by Lady Antebellum or Eric Paslay

I. Love. This. Song. I can’t even... ah. So good. So good, in fact, that I have found not one but two great versions of it. Two! If that’s not a marker of greatness, I don’t know what is.

The Second: Ten Time Crazier by Blake Shelton

So adorable. Every girl wants a guy to say that he’s crazy about her. But then Blake Shelton goes ahead and literally surpasses all men on the planet by saying he’s not just crazy about Miranda (we can assume that she’s the one he’s singing about. I always just do.) but he’s ten times crazier about her. Ten times! Imagine winning the lottery and being all “guys! I just won a million dollars!” and then Blake Shelton walks in and goes, “that’s nothing. I just won ten million dollars. I’m buying ya’ll your own unicorn.” That would hurt a little bit, don’t you think? You may say to me, “It’s okay, the good news is that I still have a million dollars to comfort me.” Well guess what, money isn’t everything. Way to be materialistic. So what have we learned today, boys? The lesson is that you should tell that special person in your life that you are eleven times crazier about them than anything else on the planet and just blow Blake Shelton out of the running for Most Romantic Cowboy. You’re welcome. 

The Third: Point at You by Justin Moore

The song that puts a giant, stupid smile on my face whenever it comes on my radio dial. It’s just so happy and sweet and wonderful. 

The Fourth and Final: Stronger Beer  by Tim Hicks

I know, I know. I usually limit CMF to three songs but I just couldn’t do that this week. I just couldn’t, people! And when you hear this song, you’ll know why. It’s too good/ridiculous to pass up. And it would be quite impolite to leave it out of my Lists Roundup, and that’s just not very Canadian, eh? So here you go. A bonus song this week! Woohoo!!! Okay, calm down. Save that energy for your big Friday night plans. Mine include making popcorn, cleaning my house and – hold on to your hats ‘cuz it’s about to get crazy - watching tv. So, yeah. I’m saving my energy.

Thanks for listening!

April 26, 2013

It's a super-duper short one this week, folks!

Hello fellow CMF-ers!

In the midst of busyness and work insanity, today's CMF is limited to the following:

You might be thinking, "That's all? That's not enough!" Well guess what: you're wrong. Hunter Hayes is more than enough.


April 12, 2013

The Preacher's Daughter

Well hello there!

Today, I thought I would go with a theme for CMF - other than exploring the best music genre out there*, of course, since that's the over-arching theme every week.

Without further ado, this week's theme: guys singing about girls who are the daughter of a preacher but don't act like the preacher's daughter. To preface, I would like to include my memory of a conversation that my fellow country music loving friend, David, and I had about this very topic last summer. It went like so:

Karla: "I'm annoyed. Whenever cowboys sing about the 'preacher's daughter,' they always talk about how they're not 'your typical preacher's daughter'. It's starting to sound like all preacher's daughters don't act like preacher's daughters. And therefore, not acting like a preacher's daughter is the norm for preacher's daughters."
David: "No. They just choose not to sing about the girls who do act like the preacher's daughter because that would be boring."
Karla: "Want to go get slurpies?"

Just riveting conversation, I know.
Now you know what it's like to be in my car - non-stop excitement from here to Hicksville. Or 7/11. Whichever comes first.

The First: God Love Her - Toby Keith

I do feel they could have chosen a more attractive 'bad boy' for this video. And a better female actress (exhibit a. her 'I'm upset' face at 1:25)... but I guess that's not really the point, huh? To me, this is the song I immediately think of when I think about this country music theme. The epitome of. So listen to it. Now. (Please and thank you.) < my mother taught me that manners are important.

The Second: Angel Eyes - Love and Theft

This girl like whiskey with her water. She's got a rebel heart a country mile wide. Clearly she ain't you're typical preacher's daughter. But! On Sunday morning, she'll certainly be found singing in the choir. So, really, above all else, she is teaching us that a girl really can have it all. **Random Fun Fact: TSwift dated one of these boys, way back in the day.

The Third and Final: Natural Disaster - Zac Brown Band

I love this song. Whenever I pop ZBB's Uncaged CD in my car, I immediately skip to this song (song #7, in case you were wondering) first. I love that it starts slow and harmonic, and then rocks out. And just listen to the symbolic imagery they are painting here! And describing someone as a storm - that's never been done before! All joking aside, you all know my love for this band and the man in the toque (Zac Brown is infamous for always wearing a toque... in case you didn't get that reference).

*this has been confirmed as accurate.

(Suds in the Bucket by Sara Evans was also a contender for this CMF. However, it didn't meet the "guys singing about preacher's daughters" requirement. Also: I greatly dislike Sara Evans. She annoys me. Which is why I didn't even link the song here.)

Thanks for listening!

April 5, 2013

We need a little bit more excitement around here.

And what's more exciting than Country Music Friday?!

Answer: Nothing
Zip. Nada. Zilch. Goose Egg.

I know, I know, you're all so happy right now. Well, calm down. You're drawing too much attention to yourself waving your hands around like that.
Oh - and you look like a fool. Well done.
Just say, "Thank You" and I'll say, "You're Welcome" and then we'll just leave it at that and pretend none of it happened and you didn't actually embarrass yourself that much, okay?

Okay good.

The First: Get Your Shine On - Florida Georgia Line

What can I say? Florida Georgia Line is hot right now... so hot right now. They had their first hit last summer with Cruise and then proceeded to sell out concerts for their tour this year. On the first day I heard Cruise I proceeded to listen to it on repeat for about a week. And then I had to stop because I started to get sick of it... but I still sing along when it comes on the radio! Anways. I love this song too! Mostly, I just love the way they sing the "homemade jar lemon drop take a sip" parts. They are stellar. If you wish to explore them more, might I suggest taking a gander at Stay?

The Second: Get By - Tim Hicks

Okay. To begin: How do you name your son Tim Hicks and NOT expect him to become either a country music star or a barrel racer at the local rodeo? I will tell you something: you can't. His parents knew exactly what they were doing when they chose to call him that/chose not to change their last name. His fate was sealed. They must have known they were having a cowboy. Good job, parents. (< this is not sarcasm) When I listen to this song, I like to change the pronouns so that I'm singing to a boy because I feel like the attributes align with my personality better that way. Because i don't like to smoke, I like country, and I drive automatic. See how that works? I know, clever. Other things I enjoy: the fact that he doesn't always pronounce the 'S's at the end of his words because

Preach it, girl!

The Third and Final: Texas Was You - Jason Aldean

How witty that you've attributed States to states of being throughout your life, Mr. Aldean! So clever! So cute! Oh... you don't like being called cute? Okay, fine. Tough? Rugged? Yeah, those do seem to fit you better. Good call, Jason. Good call. Anyways, all I have to say is that listening to this song is like walking down someone else's Memory Lane. And I know we all want to do that. (If you just affirmed that statement then you're a creep. Why would you want to infringe on someone else's Memory Lane, dude? How rude. Get your own Lane of Memories. Sheesh.)

If you need me, I'll be singing country music and occasionally whispering "ain't nobody got time fo dat" to myself whenever I think about vacuuming.

Thanks for listening, y'all!

March 29, 2013


It's Friday, so let's get right back on the horse, shall we? (< get it? Horse? 'Cuz we're... we're talking about country music? And horses are a cowboy's best friend... get it?) Moving on!

The First: Goodbye In Her Eyes - Zac Brown Band

Try not to cry. This song is so good! As I believe I've proclaimed before, Zac Brown can do no wrong. He and the band have only continued to prove this fact. If the lyrics are too sad for you, just listen to the instrumentals - they're all fantastic musicians! I watched them perform this song live on the CMAs a few months back and it was even more phenomenal. I mean, he would trade a thousand Babylons to be in her arms..! Also: I weirdly enjoy the creepy vulture on their cover art.

The Second: Party for Two - Shania Twain ft. Billy Currington

An oldie but a goodie. The question: Who wouldn't want a party for two with either Shania Twain or Billy Currington? The answer: No one. Whether you're a country music lover or not. They're both fairly attractive human beings. Now, I know Shania's upper half kind of looks like she was ripped straight out of the seventies in this video. And maybe she is a bit overly enthusiastic with her hair whipping at certain portions of the video (see 1:23-1:30 for an exceptional example - and this is before Willow Smith was even BORN... okay, maybe not. But she was probably still in preschool, so... yeah). Before you say anything, yes, I am also aware that Billy's acting skills leave a little to be desired. And I really don't understand why he is practicing his model walk for the entire first scene of this video. But listen: this was early on in his career... and he's a singer, not an actor/model! So calm down. (But even a choreographically challenged person may need to question his "footwork" around 3:13-3:18...)

The Third and Final: Dust on the Bottle - David Lee Murphy

Because all things DO get sweeter with time, yo! Exhibit A: this song - which is even older than Party for Two and, therefore, even more of a goodie. Hence the (AMAZING) video quality and that 'do of his. Additionally, let's not overlook those acid wash levis he's rocking on that railroad track - like Justin Beiber could ever pull those off (he's too short). All joking aside though folks, this is a classic, amazing song. Clamazing, if you will.
I will admit, I haven't been to too many weddings in my life. But all the ones I have attended have featured this song during the "dancing" portion of the festivities and without fail, everyone piles onto the dance floor. Coincidence? I think not. It's just that good.

Thanks for listening!

March 22, 2013

Back on the wagon again.

CMF! CMF! CMF! CMF! (< that was supposed to be read as a chant. Such as one might hear at a sporting event of sorts.)

Today’s selection is brought to you by the place in my brain that is guilty of sometimes really loving redneck hicktown country. The more twang the better.

The First: Catch All the Fish by Brad Paisley

When I have a fervent country music hater in my car, I do three things: 1. Lock the doors and windows via my fun and powerful master buttons, 2. Blast this song, 3. Sing this song with as much twang and volume as I can muster. So far I’ve made two people’s ears bleed, caused four people to refuse to get back in my car, and I have successfully converted one blessed soul into a country music appreciator. So I think those are pretty good stats. Clearly my method is working, which is why I have no plans to change it.

The Second: Chattahoochee by Alan Jackson

About a month ago, my friend David and I were walking and randomly started singing this lovely diddy. In the middle of the song, David turned to me and asked, “Why in the world have you not yet included Chattahoochee in your Country Music Fridays??” So, this one is dedicated to David. DP, I am truly sorry for this great oversight. I take full responsibility. I have no excuse for my behaviour and can only hope that my actions in the future are enough to demonstrate my positive intentions and remorse...
The rest of you, please enjoy this wonderful chanson by the one and only AJ.

The Third and Final: It’s Friday by Dean Brody

Okay. So this song may have veered significantly away from my previous “redneck hicktown country” description, but I heard it for the first time this morning and I love it. I love how Maritime-y it is (courtesy of Great Big Sea, no doubt) and how celebratory it is and how it’s Friday today so hopefully some of his lyrics will ring true soon enough. Enjoy because It’s Friday!

Thanks for listening,

March 1, 2013

It's Friday, Friday...

... gotta [listen to country music] on Friday! Which songs should I pick?

Hello, welcome, and thank you for entertaining my little homage to Rebecca Black (aka awful. Why? Probably because she isn’t a country music artist.)


The First: Online – Brad Paisley

As I’ve mentioned in previous CMFs (slash as you’ve probably noticed from hits such as Camouflage and I’m Gonna Miss Her) nobody embraces and croons cheesy country quite like Mr. Paisley. In this tune, Brad turns into a 30something who still lives in his parents’ basement and regales us with stories of his online dating adventures. It’s hilarious and sad all at the same time. As any quality country song should be.

The Second: Something To Do With My Hands – Thomas Rhett

Okay. I actually have just really been loving this one lately, which is why I thought I would include it. Rock on. (Don’t worry, me saying ‘rock on’ just now felt as weird for me as I’m sure it did for you reading it too. I’m a geek.)

The Third: She Thinks My Tractor’s Sexy – Kenny Chesney

Yep. You read that right. There is a song out there about how boys on farm equipment might be considered attractive. Who knew? Are we surprised that this song made it into the CMF or are we more surprised that it has taken me this long to include Kenny in these weekly roundups? I personally think the latter is more ridiculous. But I’ll let you be your own judge. 

The Fourth and Final, by request: Is It Friday Yet? – Gord Bamford

Because it is. So let’s celebrate.

Serious question for all of you: Should JRfm hire me as their new radio dj or should JRfm hire me as their new radio dj? Discuss.

Thanks for listening,

February 22, 2013

Quick! Check your calendar! I think it’s Country Music Friday!!

Well, well, well, funny seeing you here. Glad you’ve tuned back in for another edition of the best day of the week!

The First: This is Country Music – Brad Paisley

I don’t know why this wasn’t the very first song I sent out on CMF. It really is the perfect introduction and explanation to the wonderful music genre (read: total lifestyle) that is Country. He talks about all the things that Country music isn’t afraid to put down in song. “It ain’t hip to sing about tractors, trucks, and little towns, or mama.” It’s not that we don’t get that you might find these things boring, it’s just that we’re (what, ladies and gentlemen? Oh yes, that’s right) keeping it real.

The Second: Put Some Alcohol On It – Gord Bamford

You can always count on Gord to find a solution to your problem. I’m pretty sure we can all agree that Gord has a better solution than these guys' attempt. In fact, I’m also fairly certain that the Bacon Boys, as I like to call them, stole their idea from him (there’s a two year gap that is not in their favour, people).

The Third: Summer Nights – Rascal Flatts

Because you can never go wrong with these little Rascals. And because songs about summer make me feel like eventually we’ll have one. Hopefully.

Thanks for listening,

February 8, 2013

It’s Country Music Friday!

Well hello!

Today is Friday, and we all know what that means! Country music!

The First: Bait a Hook – Justin Moore

In which good ol’  Justin attempts to put down his ex’s choice for her new boyfriend by picking out every non-country thing about him. Although the second verse is my favourite (because every good ole country boy should know how to melt a girls heart on the guitar) I think the following line might be the funniest: “I heard he's got a Prius, 'cause he's into bein' green.” Also: be sure to listen to the end bit (from 3:08-3:23 in the video), because it’s also quite a laugh.

The Second: The Wind – Zac Brown Band

Now, let me just start by making the following statement very clear: ZAC BROWN CAN DO NO WRONG. Seriously. The man is a genius. This is their newest song. Very banjo-y, very fun. Please ignore the awful lyric video – they have yet to release the music video for this song.

The Third: Dirt Roads Scholar – Dean Brody

In my book, this may be one of the wittiest country music songs out there. Listen closely to the lyrics – so smart! I think I might apply to be a Dirt Roads Scholar for my grad program – thoughts? “I’m from the dirt road poison ivy league...”

Thanks for listening,

February 1, 2013

You know what day it is...

It’s Country Music Friday, the best day of the week!!

Hello and welcome, I’m so glad you could join me. Let’s just jump right in, shall we?

The First: I’m Gonna Miss Her – Brad Paisley

This is a very serious video dealing with a very serious and real issue that every cowboy has to deal with at one time or another. Really great acting by both Brad and his wife (yes, that’s his real wife).

The Second: Camouflage – Brad Paisley

Another Brad Paisley tune. He is the master of the cheesy country music hit. In this little ditty, he discusses camouflage and honours it for its years of service to the USofA.

The Third: Meet in the Middle – Diamond Rio

An oldie but a goodie. I love how classic this song is.

The Fourth, and final: Southern Voice – Tim McGraw

In which Timmy lists all things that represent the Southern Voice.

Thanks for listening,