Hello, Good Morning, and TGIFBTMICMF! (aka Thank goodness it’s Friday because that means it’s Country Music Friday!)
It’s been a couple weeks and things have certainly been booming in the country music arena! This week’s selection is brought to you by: Summer.
There have been so many awesome new songs released lately that I been forced to react to by yelling, alone in my car, “OMGTHISISGOINGTOBEMYNEWSUMMERJAM!”
Now, as you probably know, I often exclaim things to myself (or sometimes other drivers) while I’m alone in my car. But what I bet you didn’t know is that I use the term “jam” in my everyday vocabulary. Yeah. I know. I’m hip like that. Try not to get too close. You may catch hypothermia because I am so cool. So settle in - it’s a good one this week! (But let’s be honest, we’re talking about country music here: they’re all good ones.)
The First: Boys ‘Round Here by Blake Shelton
Like you didn’t think this was going to be on here. I’ve just been loving this new Shelton song. It’s amazing. It’s got a little hint of that ‘country rap’ that Jason Aldean paved the way for with Dirt Road Anthem two years ago, but also fully embraces the hillbilly by interspersing “re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-redneck” to emulate a record scratch in the background. How clever. And, of course, let’s not forget my favourite and least favourite line in the entire song, the line that marks the culmination of the chorus, the line that makes me want to puke and sing along all at the same time: Chewtobacca, chewtobacca, chewtobacca, spit.
Just amazing. I also very much enjoy the cameo appearances of the cow, the piglet, and the chickens. Because why not.
(PS He also references/makes fun of ‘the dougie’)
He’s right. There’s no way we’ll be able to beat this summer. Because this summer is going to be awesome. AMIRYTE? Serious item to research: are there any boardwalks in my town that I can go hang out on? I feel like that needs to happen this summer. Why? Because Mr. Paisley basically just told me that I have to. Please note that I almost left this song out of this week’s selection because I have been in a 4 year-old war with a friend David about what the best season is (autumn, of course) and I wasn’t sure if this would weaken my argument. But then I thought, “No. Karla The Martyr would never allow a silly vendetta to disservice you, the readers of CMF.” So here you go. You’re welcome.
The Third and Final: Find Me a Baby by Josh Turner aka The Best Looking Guy in Country Music
Because summer is when all the good-lookin’ ones come out of the shadows and grace us with their chiselled chins and six packs and tans. And who better to represent them than the deep-voiced beauty that is Josh Turner? Answer: No one. There is no one better.
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