The First: Down By The River by Bobby Wills
We haven't heard from Bobby in a while and apparently he's returned ready for a party.
Anecdote: In high school, the cool thing to do on the weekends was to go down to the river. Of course, this was in the hamlet otherwise known as Squamish and I'm 100% confident that those evening were never like the ones Bobby is singing about here. I just imagined it was probably super cold, and dark, and you'd be surrounded by less than sober kids being obnoxious while tripping over rocks. Needless to say, it was not my ideal Saturday night. So when my friends would call and invite me out I would lie and say I already had plans and then hang out with my parents at home and do my laundry or read or sometimes - if I was feeling particularly wild - do some sudoku puzzles. And I gotta say, I'm still pretty happy with my life choices on that one.
The Second: One Little Kiss by Dallas Smith
HE'S BACK!! He wasn't gone for very long but ohmygosh I missed him! You know when you haven't seen someone in a while and then you get to hang out with them and you're just really happy about it even if they don't have any good stories to tell you? That's me with this Dallas Smith song.
The Third and Final: Friends by Blake Shelton
Because I have some really, really good friends.
Related but unrelated, can we get serious here for a second? Show of hands: who feels like they really need an Angry Birds movie in their life? (Put your hand down, no one around you knows what you're doing and you look like a little ridiculous). Is this really something that has been significantly missing from the world? I think not.
That's a wrap people. I hope your work day flies by but that your weekend slows down to a savourable pace. Did I just make up a word? Yes.
Thanks for listening!