January 20, 2017

Slightly More Line Dancing Than Normal

I will give you fair warning: the majority of the videos this week are slightly ridiculous. But I hope you'll find them slightly ridiculous in an amusing and charming way, like I do.

(Unlike the ridiculousness outrage that's about to happen south of the border... which is far from amusing and certainly not charming.)

The Second: Can't Turn You Down by Jon Pardi

A bit of a diversion from the usual Jon-O songs I feature on here, but I suppose we can't all be hilarious and slightly self-deprecating all the time. So thanks for the slow down, sir.

The Second: Waiting Kind of Girl by Leaving Thomas

Umm. These two are my new internet besties (even if they don't know I exist...).

The Third and Final: Head Over Heels by The Washboard Union

OKAY. Stay with me here before you hit play on this video.
This is the only version of this song available on the YouTube.
And I really like this song.
And for a few weeks I thought, "Maybe I can wait it out because this video would be kinda odd to send around, not to mention the audio isn't great." But after watching it several times, I've since decided: No. You need this in your life. You need both this song AND this sweet french man who is just trying to spread his love of line dancing with the world in your life.

Here is where I would tell you what I have planned for the weekend, but I think we know each other well enough by now for you to have already guessed that I'll be drowning my inauguration sorrows by spending the weekend practicing the steps to that line dance.

Thanks for listening!

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