September 25, 2015

Majestic horses and nightmares

Allow me to paint you a picture of my super relaxing Thursday evening (because yes, I write CMF on Thursdays. Scandal!): Tea. Sweatpants. Face mask. Popcorn (which I eat with a spoon, because I don't like it when my fingers get all popcorn-y). Hair is up in a bun that is actually just slowly sliding down the side of my head. Attractive? Thank you, I know. That's what I was going for.

The First: Used Up by Logan Mize

So this guy! I had heard State of Your Heart a few years ago, and Can't Get Away From A Good Time earlier this year (great workout song, let me tell you) but never really paid him much attention or ever featured those songs. But this week the YouTube Autoplay function wanted to do something about that, apparently, and led me to this song. It's a gem. As is basically all of his current EP, "Pawn Shop Guitar".
Now, can we please discuss his foolishness around 0:45 of this video?! A vehicle compactor seems like a very dangerous place to lean, even if it is supposedly turned off. I've clearly been scarred by all those work safety videos I was made to watch in grade 9. Did you have to watch these? The ones when someone would be slicing salami at a deli without the safety guard and lose their thumb? Or someone else would brilliantly decide to kick a log that was stuck in a wood chipper to unclog it and lose their leg? Or maybe someone was leaning on a vehicle compactor and got compacted?? BE CAREFUL, LOGAN! I wish for you to make more music and you can't do that if you continue to live your life so recklessly.
PS Does this video also remind anyone else of that horrifying scene from The Brave Little Toaster? That junkyard gave me nightmares for years. Years. (What I'm trying to say is that I still have Brave Little Toaster nightmares.)

The Second: Steal Me Away by Olivia Lane

Good tempo, mature voice, clever lyrics: "come in like a thief, I'll leave my heart unlocked and steal me away." The makings of a good song, if you ask me.

The Third and Final: Die A Happy Man by Thomas Rhett

Look at this guy slowing things down a little bit. I like it, Thomas. I'm a fan. Now, can you guess what I'm not a fan of? Yep, the video. Shocking. But I feel it is for legitimate reasons.
Exhibit A) There is a lyric in the song that goes, "I don't need no vacation, no fancy destination..." Mhmm... and yet this video is seemingly set in Hawaii/a similarly tropical destination. Interesting.
Exhibit B) Someone decided to ride majestic horses on the beach at sunset. So... who even knows how these choices are made but they are all very poor ones.
The song is great though. Real cute.

Enjoy your weekend! I'm technically already enjoying mine because I'm off today. Don't be jealous: the only difference between me and you is approximately eight hours and a pair of sweat pants. You'll get there.

Thanks for listening!

September 18, 2015

Mo' Titles, Mo' Problems.

This week has actually ended up being a really lovely one full of some much-needed down time and fully launching myself back into the regular routine of fall, my favourite season! And apparently I used none of that downtime to come up with a half decent title for this week's CMF. For that I am sorry. I struggle with titles, clearly. But! I did have time to do things like cook, read and exercise again, which has been just swell. So cheers to fall and all the great things it brings! (Right, David?)

The First: Sober Me Up by Frankie Ballard

I've listened to this one so much this week that I think I heard my phone audibly sigh when I hit repeat just now. Mostly I just feel that a lot of the songs we typically hear from Frankie are more upbeat and summery, and this one is a refreshing change for him. It also has a really lovely melody for you to sing along with. Because we all know that I've already done that approximately 53 times in the last 24 hours.

The Second: On Top of the World by Tim McGraw

I've gone from basically no Tim McGraw to double Tim McGraw. I call it making up for lost times.
When I first heard it, I really didn't think I would ever feature this song simply because I thought it was rather plain. But then the subliminal force of radio infiltrated my brain and here we are: I love this song.
Story time: I was picking up my friend Kanaiya a few weeks ago and had this song going with the windows down. The moment he got in my car he exclaimed, "why are you listening to rock music?!" Now, I haven't yet decided if this speaks more to Kanaiya's music sensibilities or Timmy's, but it still cracks me up. You're welcome for yet another riveting story from my car.

The Third and Final: 500 Miles by Haley & Michaels

Controversial, I know, but I quite like this cover! And it's about time we hear this song again, outside of weddings or spontaneous jam sessions or midnight viewings of Benny & Joon (so good). On a related note, I think the addition of a female's voice - especially one as beautiful as Haley's - really works for this cover. If you're interested in another beautiful (read: full of emotions and feelings-y stuff) song by these two, I suggest Giving It All (To You).
And just because someone is guaranteed to bring it up, I do know that 500 Miles is not the actual title of the original song, but that's what H&M (the artists, not the clothing store) are going with, so I've followed suit in this case.

As always, thanks for listening!

September 11, 2015

I love fall and I love coffee, but I am not a fan of the Pumpkin Spice Latte.

Welp. The first week of classes - and the inevitable growing pains (read: traffic and no longer empty parkades) that go along with a campus that's coming back to life after a quiet summer - is finally coming to an end. And now it's the weekend so let's celebrate! And by celebrate I of course mean sleep in until you're so hungry that you are forced to crawl out of bed and scavenge your kitchen for sustenance.

The First: Smoke Break by Carrie Underwood

Oh, Carrie. Bringing it home with another working class anthem. I actually quite like the storyline of this video, surprisingly. It's just a feel-good three-and-a-half minutes. Unlike her last single that made me feel the opposite of good. Also, this really lovely cover of Alan Jackson's Remember When just started playing and I liked it so much, I'm spontaneously sharing it with you now. I don't usually like the unplanned, but when it comes to country music, I allow it (apparently).

The Second: One Of Those Nights by Tim McGraw

Full disclosure: I selected this song purely out of frustration. I have a long list of songs I want to share with all of you but sadly they haven't made their way to the youtube yet so we all have to wait. And so I figured if we're going to wait, we might as well enjoy some not-so-new but still great songs that maybe we haven't heard in some time while we do so.
Things that make me happy in this video: Tim McGraw in a toque and puffer jacket, the label maker (because we know how much I love my own label maker), and just this song in general which I still turn the volume up for whenever it makes its way onto the radio.

The Third and Final: Trouble Is by Charlie Worsham

Charlie knows what it's like. You sing it, Charlie.

I hope you all enjoy your weekend of rest and relaxation and that lovely in-between weather when it's still sunny and warm but the colours of autumn begin to make some casual appearances, not unlike all of Taylor Swift's friends at her concerts. (What I'm trying to say is that those appearances are not casual at all. They strut the stage with a wind machine pointed directly at them. In the former's case, that wind is nature.)

Thanks for listening,

September 4, 2015

The boys are back in town.

After a few weeks of featuring more ladies of country than usual, the boys are back in town. Also that's just a good song and I wanted an excuse to listen to it while also encouraging/tricking others to do the same.

The First: Kinda Dig The Feeling by The Railers

I like this band purely on the seemingly odd makeup of it. Three guys and a lady, which normally wouldn't be odd, but considering said lady is usually on backup vocals and does some instrumentals is different and I find it wonderful. Also, you might assume by the graphics for this single (above) that the guy who's in the front wearing the denim button-up flowing in the wind is the male lead vocalist. But he's not, of course. Because The Railers like to switch things up with their vocal arrangements and their photo shoots. (Since I know you're wondering, the long-haired man in the tan pants who's least seen in this shot is on lead vocals...) Anyways, I like them. Also here's a live version because you know how much I love live music.

The Second: Broken Windshield View by Chris Lane

I'm saddened about not including this song a few weeks ago because that seems like kind of a missed opportunity. Live and learn, I suppose. Also I guess if I tried to cram all songs that talked about living in the country into one post, it would wind up being inappropriately long. Chris Lane really does make it sound like this is the only way to see the world though, doesn't he? Perhaps we should all give a broken windshield a try?
I'm kidding. Broken windshields are dangereux. Please get that fixed immediately.

The Third and Final: Better in Boots by Tyler Farr

This fine gentleman has been doing really well with his recent singles, and this new one is no exception. This song reminds me that I don't own cowboy boots and I am simultaneously ashamed and heartbroken by it but also just kind of okay with it (I don't want to be a cliche, you know?)

Thanks for listening and happy back-to-school!*

* I love new stationary.