The First: Kinda Dig The Feeling by The Railers
I like this band purely on the seemingly odd makeup of it. Three guys and a lady, which normally wouldn't be odd, but considering said lady is usually on backup vocals and does some instrumentals is different and I find it wonderful. Also, you might assume by the graphics for this single (above) that the guy who's in the front wearing the denim button-up flowing in the wind is the male lead vocalist. But he's not, of course. Because The Railers like to switch things up with their vocal arrangements and their photo shoots. (Since I know you're wondering, the long-haired man in the tan pants who's least seen in this shot is on lead vocals...) Anyways, I like them. Also here's a live version because you know how much I love live music.
The Second: Broken Windshield View by Chris Lane
I'm saddened about not including this song a few weeks ago because that seems like kind of a missed opportunity. Live and learn, I suppose. Also I guess if I tried to cram all songs that talked about living in the country into one post, it would wind up being inappropriately long. Chris Lane really does make it sound like this is the only way to see the world though, doesn't he? Perhaps we should all give a broken windshield a try?
I'm kidding. Broken windshields are dangereux. Please get that fixed immediately.
The Third and Final: Better in Boots by Tyler Farr
This fine gentleman has been doing really well with his recent singles, and this new one is no exception. This song reminds me that I don't own cowboy boots and I am simultaneously ashamed and heartbroken by it but also just kind of okay with it (I don't want to be a cliche, you know?)
Thanks for listening and happy back-to-school!*
* I love new stationary.
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