The First: All About You by Josh Turner aka The Best Looking Guy in Country Music
Josh Turner has been sharing some stuff from his new album on the Youtube which means we can all enjoy it together! And it's good. This particular song is mostly just super catchy and, as you know, I think a catchy song is a pretty good start to the weekend.
Catchiness, exhibit a: the lyrics for this song may include "friggin' diggin' livin' in your world" which is almost as ridiculous/wonderful as Brett Eldredge's "flip flop flippin'" (which we already know I approve of).
I'll also take this opportunity to go ahead and share another *bonus* song that I really love off Josh's album, called Never Had A Reason. It's got a similar message, but is a bit slower, sweeter, and he doesn't say "friggin' diggin' livin'" in it, on the off change you weren't super into that.
The Second: Losing Sleep by Chris Young
I mean, we had one deep-voiced crooner, so might as well add his apprentice*, Chris Young, to the lineup too I suppose. I like the stop and start beat thing (that was obviously a technical term) that's going on during the verses of this song. It pulls me and gets me on the edge of my seat. Did the song just abruptly end? Will it stop again? Will I fall off this chair I'm precariously sitting on? Who knows!
*There is no evidence to suggest that Chris Young is actually Josh Turner's apprentice. I don't even know if they know each other. I mean, they probably do since the country music world is small enough to make that a very real possibility, but I just can't be absolutely positive about it - you know?
The Third and Final: Makin' Me Look Good Again by Drake White
Closing it out with some blues-y country to get you coasting into the weekend on some feel-good mellow vibes. (I'm so sorry I just used "feel-good" and "mellow" and "vibes" all at once. It won't happen ever again, you have my word. Please don't judge this song off my lack of sophisticated vocabulary. The song's still good, I promise).
The end of May brings with it a lot of birthdays for friends and family which means I get to celebrate some really great people this weekend. Bring on the birthday cake!
Thanks for listening!