February 10, 2017

Kittens and Fluoride

With a day off today and a holiday Monday for BC Family Day, I've got an extra-long weekend that I'm really looking forward to! The activity docket highlights include: a kitten cuddle because my brother and his partner just adopted two tiny and adorable babies (eek!!!), a much needed catch-up with an out-of-town friend over brunch, a dentist appointment (does anyone else actually really like going to the dentist? Is it just me??) and then going for hot chocolate with my high school drama teacher (aka my high school hero). I'm hopeful I can time it so that I've got that fancypants hocho in my hands right when the fluoride wears off.

Please don't tell my dentist.

The First: Nothing At All by Baylor Wilson

Baylor has a single out right now called Turn Around and that song is great and all, but I decided to choose this one instead because the melody is just so delightfully different and uplifting. And what else are we all looking for on a Friday other than delightfully different and uplifting music? I mean, probably a glass of wine and and a vat of popcorn, obviously. But I mean other than the necessities, you know?

The Second: Memories Are Made Of by Luke Combs

A simple, sweet, and twangy walk down someone else's memory lane. The recorded version doesn't seem to be available on the Youtube, but this acoustic version will certainly do in the meantime. If you've now discovered you're a fan of Luke Combs (as I can only assume you must be after listening to this one), might I also suggest Out There which he duets with Jacob Bryant, for your extended listening pleasure?

The Third and Final: Kiss By Kiss by Brett Young

In case anyone was wondering, I'm still very much in love with this very talented gem. Because how could anyone not be. Also Brett maybe takes this song on a little Bruno Mars segue that I'm not entirely opposed to (for swooning-related reasons), so there's that too. Anyways, I thought this was a cute February 14th-appropriate song.

Wishing you all a happy Family Day and a very sweet Valentine's, whatever you're up to!

Thanks for listening!

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