September 29, 2017

Hello from the other side (of September)

Well hellllooooo!

It's been a minute. How've you been? Cool, cool.

After a busy stretch at work and some much needed R&R time last week it appears that nearly a month has passed since CMF has done the rounds. I swear it was August and then I blinked and all of a sudden October was just around the corner in all it's orange, pumpkin spice glory. Anyone bought their pumpkins and candy corn yet?? Haha ha, I'm just kidding*... Speaking of inappropriately timed holiday accoutrements, please let me know if you find the snack-size individually wrapped Reese's cups anywhere - my annual hunt has started. 

The First: I'll Name The Dogs by Blake Shelton

He๐Ÿ‘ is๐Ÿ‘ back๐Ÿ‘ !! It was a rough stretch there with all his bitter somber contributions to the world of country. I'm accepting this song as his second wind of greatness. And *spoiler alert* his second wind is adorable. Not only is the song really sweet but somehow so is the music video (thank goodness). All in all, well done sir.

The Second: Slow Dance In A Parking Lot by Jordan Davis

Mr. Davis is quickly stealing my heart, y'all. This song kind of just makes you want to fall in love, doesn't it? That's 50% why I enjoy it. The other 50% is definitely because it reminds me of old school Tswift. You can spin me around by a Walmart sign any night, Jordan. Here's another gem from him if you're so inclined.

The Third and Not-so-Final: It's Working by James Barker Band

You know what's working? James Barker Band, that's what. It's catchy song after catchy song from these delightful Canadian boys. I attribute the catchy-ness of their songs to the strong beat. Anything that's clap-along-able is wonderful and deserves being played on repeat for hours if you ask me.

The Bonus: Hometown Kids by The Reklaws

You get a bonus song today because a) I've got too many songs to share and b) I feel bad for being a little MIA. Don't say I never give you anything.

I've been on the white picket fence (was that appropriately small town or what??) about this song for a while because it's pretty pop-y but I ultimately like it so here ya go. It also has a distinctly summery sound and I've been told that some people could still use one final desperate grasp at summertime. And finally I'm sharing it because Mr. Dimples there charmed me into it.

I have nothing planned this weekend and I truly could not be happier about it. Maybe I'll even get a jump start on next week's post so that it's not another month of static over here. Who knows??

Thanks for listening!