March 16, 2018

You Make My (Pop Country) Dreams Come True

Allow me to let you in on a not-so-secret secret: the pop side of country has been *killing it* lately.
Like, really pulling out all the stops for spring, which I feel is when most people start listening to country music. It's a highly weather-dependant genre, as I'm learning.

So hold onto your (cowboy) hats and get ready for what's looking like an excellent crop of country hits to start rolling in. I'm so excited!

The First: Worth It by Danielle Bradbury

Some a capella goodness to kickstart your morning right. Don't be distracted by all her hand gestures or the top notch acoustics of the public washroom she's chosen to perform in (odd). Just focus on the sweet sound of her incredible voice.

The Second: Leaving New Orleans by Jordan Davis

Umm... this guy is officially my favourite. Same Jordan Davis from Singles You Up, as well as the one I legit fell in love with back in October, as you'll recall. What am I saying, I'm sure you all know who he is by now. He's great.
He has been releasing singles left and right and theyπŸ‘ areπŸ‘ all πŸ‘ good. Like... I don't understand how, but they're all so catchy and, surprisingly, not at all repetitive which I feel is a rarity when a new artist releases a bunch of new stuff all at once. It's premature, but Jordan Davis is shaping up to be a 2018 highlight for sure. (Bonus: he just released this song last night.)

The Third and Final: The Difference by Tyler Rich

Okay team, really saving the best of the week for last here. And also perhaps the most pop-y, but it's so good I can't help myself. Plus it's my blog so I'll do what I want. Ha ha ha... 
This has been the only song I've played in my car since last Friday. I'm just continually hitting repeat before the song is even over. Over and over and over and I'm not even sick of it yet.
"Who is Tyler Rich?" you ask? "It doesn't matter just be quiet and listen to this song." I reply.

If you're wanting more springtime pop country goodness for your sunny weekend adventures, I invite you to listen to my new Spring 2018 playlist on Spotify (and yes, The Difference is on there twice...) Whatever you get up to, I hope your weekend's a great one!

Thanks for listening,

March 9, 2018

'Tis The Season

... for new country music, apparently!

I definitely find that there's a few annual lulls with this genre and January/February is certainly one of them. But then the beginnings of spring start sneaking in and it's basically Country Music's cotillion. A warm up to their busy season: Summer. And I, for one, am looking forward to hearing all about it.

The First: Missing One by Jameson Rodgers

Y'all know my thing for wordplay (and clapping... though there ain't no clapping in this one. Unfortunately. πŸ˜’ ) and this song has it down. And it's not just the wordplay, even though that would be enough. When the band falls in after the first verse it's just... so good. So good that I actually said "oh no this is so good" out loud the first time I heard it. To myself, alone in my apartment. So you know that's high praise.

The Second: Space Cowboy by Kacey Musgraves

Her timing is impeccable. I was just thinking a few weeks ago about how I needed we all needed some more Kacey in our lives and here she is poppin' up outta nowhere to deliver. Again, we've got more clever wordplay here, mixed with Kacey's easy voice, so it's a win-win-win. (That third win is because the song title just makes me want to re-watch Firefly, and that's an easy gold star in my books.)

The Third and Final: I Was Jack (You Were Diane) by Jake Owen

We all knew this was coming and honestly it's about dang time. I don't think I've really loved a Jake Owen song since his first single. Seven years ago. Aka pre-CMF.
I guess I just don't get the whole "talking and pretending to kinda walk the line between singing and maybe rapping(?) but really I'm not doing either" thing that he does. But I'll put up with it here because the rest of the song is good and super duper catchy.
Yes, that's right: super duper.

It's been a long week so this weekend really can't come fast enough. Just think: there's just 8 hours of work between you and a glass of wine and a few days off.
Best of luck to all of us as we deal with Daylight Savings Time this weekend. And with that comes my annual reminder to stay safe on the roads on Monday. Sleep deprivation is a thing, people. Drink that extra cup of coffee.

Thanks for listening!