August 26, 2016

This Is The Last Friday In August...

I'm really sorry to be the one to break this news to you, but yeah. It will be September next week. Is that not crazy? The good news is that I love fall and the beginning of a new school year and the beauty of the season and halloween packs of Reese cups and walks over crunchy leaves. The bad news is that summer is nearly over and I've got a few busy-bee weeks between now and enjoying all the bounty (get it? Because Thanksgiving?) that fall has to offer.

What better way to enjoy the remainder of summer than with country music?

The First: There's A Girl by Trent Harmon

I have never met a more hipster cowboy in my life (neither in person nor via the internet) than this dude. But the reality is that I like his sound so no harm, no foul, ya know?
Let me tell you, every scene of him driving/singing in his car is exactly me when I'm driving/singing this song in my car. Specifically 0:58. My steering wheel probably thinks I'm mad at it for the number of times I'll hit it while singing. It's for effect and punctuation, obviously. 
PS this guy won this past (and final?) season of American Idol, says the internet.

The Second: Different For Girls by Dierks Bentley ft. Elle King

Just go ahead and file this one under "Songs I Wasn't Into Until I Was Forced To Listen To Them A Million Times On The Radio And Now I Turn Them Up And Sing Along Whenever They Come On."

The Third and Final: Bury Me In Blue Jeans by Granger Smith

I like the brightness in this song. I don't know how else to describe it.
Contentedness maybe? Is that a word? Doesn't matter, you know what I mean.
There's something about those first few lines and the way he sings, "couldn't be a cowboy, I'm a hundred years late" while the drummer kicks out the bass. I could listen to it all day. (And have, if I'm being honest).
Just listen to it and you'll understand.

Enjoy this sunshine-y weekend, lovelies! I'm spending mine hopefully relaxing a bit before the madness of orientation kicks in next week - wish me luck.

Thanks for listening!

August 22, 2016

Artist of the Week: Rascal Flatts

Gooooood morning!

We're chatting about the Rascal Flatts today! I'm pretty confident that my first exposure to these boys was back when the Disney Family Channel would play music videos in between shows. Do any of you remember that? I can't recall what that feature was called, but I do remember being thankful that it turned me on to so much new music. Was it mostly Aaron Carter and Hilary Duff? Yes. But sometimes there were diamonds like RF's Life Is A Highway, which they covered for the Cars movie. I can't even tell you how many times I've watched them pull up for that drive-in movie. Great mems.

Anyways, I've since expanded my Flatts knowledge and would like to share a few (believe me, I could listen to all their stuff forever) of their songs with you.

The First: Bless The Broken Road

Gosh I love this song. I love the lyrics, I love singing it, I love this performance of it, I just love it all. It is true what they say about it being used for people's wedding song... I know of at least three couples who have used it. I can't say I blame them, it's pretty beautiful and I can see how the lyrics would hit home with many. Thanks, boys.

The Second: Banjo

I mean, I'll be honest here: I had completely forgotten about this song until writing this post. I had forgotten about this GEM! Like a fool! I remember when this song came out and I genuinely could not contain my excitement whenever it came on the ray-day-o. And now I've apparently just forgotten about it. Thank goodness for CMF forcing me to re-evaluate the musical past, huh?

The Third and Final: Why Wait

I mean, you'll have to overlook the very odd Hangover-inspired music video, but the song is a favourite of mine for sure. It's upbeat and though real-life Karla would probably find the concept impractical, dream world Karla thinks it's sweet and spontaneous.

Thanks for listening!

August 19, 2016

Do You Want To Build A Snowman?

As we learned a few weeks ago, I apparently like to find CMF inspiration at the dentist. This week is less so about the musical inspiration I've gleaned from a follow up dental visit, but more so about how, as I'm writing this, my face is approximately 57% frozen. Really anything below the middle of my nose is numb. Plus up my cheeks and at one point the corner of my left eye was oddly droopy. You can see it all on my snapchat - my username is karcarr, in case you were wondering. Which I know you were ;)

I'm so frozen it's basically a Disney movie up in here.

The First: May We All by Florida Georgia Line

It's upbeat. It's catchy. It's new.
These are all good things.
Wanna know about some other good things?
Autumn. Getting lost for a bit down a dirt road. Gaining a speckle of wisdom in your lifetime.
Spoiler alert: these things are also in this song. So you should probably listen to it.

The Second: Jet Black Pontiac by Chase Bryant

I mean, the whole song is good. But those fifteen seconds between 2:30-2:45 are so good. The clapping, the emphasis on the off beat, the boot-stomping greatness of it all. It reminds me a little bit of the western songs they'd play in seventh grade P.E. classes during the line dancing portion of the curriculum. Which, by the way, what a weird thing to make a bunch of preteens do together.

The Third and Final: Stompin' Ground by Tim Hicks

I think more than anything I'm just wondering about the small children who likely make up the softball team were thinking when they were told practice was postponed because Tim Hicks was filming a music video on their field.
"Why does he get to use our field, daddy? He doesn't even have a bat."
"Well son, he has a guitar. And in some circles that's more important."
"Can we go get ice cream while we wait?"
"Sure. Just don't tell your mother."

Hope you all have a great weekend! My plans include potentially some beach time as well as helping out with new student move-in because apparently September is coming.

Thanks for listening!

August 15, 2016

Artist of the Week: Little Big Town

Good morning and happy Monday!

We've heard a lot from Little Big Town around here. But apparently not enough. Because we're going to hear from them a little bit more today.

These four have been together for nearly twenty years. Twenty years of making sweet, sweet music together. For us. Like selfless southern wonders. Gosh they're great.

These impeccable harmonies come from Alabama, so I just feel like when they sing about sitting on their front porch or dancing on a pontoon, they're really speaking from experience. They've got some clout. Some credibility. Experience, even. Basically all the things this West Coast girl with a country music blog doesn't have.

The First: Little White Church

What's not to love here? We're taken down a scenic route. There's revenge. We've got clapping. They talk about chicken and gravy. It's got it all. Plus when they're strutting down that dirt road don't they just like the coolest cats around? I just want to join them and be their fifth. I can't harmonize to save my life but I could probably hold my own with a nice tambourine.

The Second: Quit Breaking Up With Me

I can't really tell you why I like this song, but I really, really do. I think it's funny and different than their normal sound and all around entertaining. It's a real great time. It's also an easy song to sing along to because the thing is that you don't have to sound good vocally to still sound good. It's just a lot of stuttering at the end of every other line.
Turns out I can tell you why I like this song after all.

The Third and Final: Girl Crush

Since I haven't gushed quite enough about their harmonies yet, let's do that now shall we? Because they are just so technically correct in their vocal collaborations that it's astounding. When I first heard this song I think I listened to approximately twenty seconds and was all "meh" and then it came on again and I listened to the whole thing and was amazed. The concept of the song and the writing and this particular performance. I love it all. Oh, and the harmonies... who would have guessed.

And of course I would be remiss if I didn't give a shoutout to Sober, my all-time favourite LBT song. So beautiful.

Thanks for listening!

August 12, 2016

On [Fridays] We [Talk About] Pink

Well hi.

Full disclosure: I ate too much candy earlier.
My stomach is now like "ow, why??" and my brain is like "I'm crashing hard, girl."
So I guess what I'm saying is that you'll just have to continue at your own risk at this point.

The First: Setting The World On Fire by Kenny Chesney ft. Pink

Yep. You read that right: Pink.
I actually used to like Pink when I was younger. She seemed so... rebellious. At least she did to the preteen conservative and quiet Karla who enjoyed following the rules. Plus her song Dear Mr. President always stirred up some emotions. Now, I would argue that mid-twenties Karla is still fairly conservative, quiet, and thoroughly enjoys following the rules, but the difference is that I probably haven't listened to a Pink song for quite some time. Until now, of course. Because if Kenny Chesney thinks she's cool enough to duet with, then let's be real I'm in.

The Second: Seven Bridges Road covered by Meghan Patrick and The Washboard Union

These beautiful bearded gems are back, along with their Canadian friend, Meghan Patrick, to cover this song originally from The Eagles.
First off: them harmonies are "on fleek" as (I think) the kids are saying these days.
Secondly: the single shot filmed inside that beautiful church is perfect.
Thirdly: that intense head bob around 2:35 that evolves... nay, metamorphosizes into something even more wonderful at 2:59 cannot be under-appreciated.

The Third and Final: I'll Be Home Soon by Craig Morgan

It's been a while since we've heard from this guy and since I like the slight grit to Craig's voice, I'm bringing him back. There's definitely something about it that makes it recognizable.
Video commentary: he does this oddly entertaining head/upper body roll thing at 1:44 that simultaneously makes me cringe and laugh. And then there's the whispering to end off the song. So take that for whatever it is, I suppose. But generally, I enjoy this song.

Apparently there's a meteor shower happening, so that's what I'll be spending an evening doing this weekend, along with visiting with some siblings and a long-lost (Edmonton) dear friend who I haven't seen in the flesh in who knows how long. So. Like. Maybe I'm excited it's the weekend. Just a tad.

Thanks for listening!

August 8, 2016

Artist of the Week: Chris Young

If you've been around for any period of time, you may already know that I love Chris Young and his deep, twangy, Josh Turner 2.0 voice.

Chris Young got his start by winning the reality tv show competition, Nashville Star, ten years ago. Unlike so many people who have won televised singing competitions (what percentage of American Idol stars are still putting out new stuff?) he has been able to maintain that success over the years.

He also seems charming as all heck, so I'm sure that's worked in his favour.

The First: You

This one is a fun one to sing along to, mostly because I like the way he changes up the rhythm of the melody throughout the song. That, and I can practice my horrible attempts at a bit of country twang.
Because practice makes perfect. Sometimes.
(Turns out this is not one of those times).

The Second: Neon

I'm actually quite certain I've featured this one before, but it was right at the start of CMF, back when it was just an email and there was no blog to properly archive stuff on. SO WE'RE LISTENING TO IT AGAIN! I like this song solely because of his perfect crooning. It's not too fast, it's not too slow. It's the goldilocks of lazy listening country.

The Third and Final: Voices

What I like about Chris is that he balances his more lovey dovey songs with tunes about other stuff that don't have anything to do with love or your typical country clichés. Like this one, for example.

Thanks for listening!

August 5, 2016

Fresh Outta Titles

Happy Friday, everyone!

I don't know about you, but that felt like a very long four day week (if you had a four day week, that is). You know what I like to do when I've had a long week? I like to sit back, relax, and enjoy some country music. Oh! You do too? Well then how convenient is it that you're reading this right now, huh?

The First: Kinda Don't Care by Justin Moore

If you're looking for a catchy song to have stuck in your head this weekend, this is it. I feel like this is the musical equivalent of eating really well all week and rewarding yourself with a bag of chips and telling yourself you'll "just have a few" and then crushing the entire bag within minutes. So basically what I'm saying is don't ask me if I have plans tonight because I just told you what they are. I have no impulse control, in case that was unclear.
PS Don't ask me what an "Instant Grat Video" is because I have no idea.

The Second: Red Hot American Summer by Post Monroe

When I hear this song all I picture is blaring it while I'm driving down the coast in a convertible with my hair blowing in the wind like some kind of movie star. Now, besides the fact that I know that much wind will immediately cause my hair to be a mess of knots and that I don't own a convertible (don't ask me if I stole it or something because I have no idea where it came from), that seems like it would be a really great way to spend a couple hours this weekend while memorizing all the words to this excellent song. Let me know if you want to join and/or know someone who owns a sports car (grand theft auto isn't really my jam).

 The Third and Final: Reckon by Adam Craig

Twang alert and it's amazing.
Who is Adam Craig? I have no idea but I like him. This song reminds me of Rock On by Tucker Beathard for obvious, double entendre-related, reasons.

Let's all have an awesome weekend, okay? And if for some reason you're not already on that track, perhaps this will help.

Thanks for listening!

August 1, 2016

Artist of the Week: Sugarland

Ohhhhh Sugarland. Where do I even begin?

Well at the beginning, I guess. Sugarland was originally brought together in 2002 by Kristen Hall and Kristian Bush who hired on Jennifer Nettles for their lead vocals. In 2006 Kristen Hall left the band (which later resulted in some draaamaaaa and a lawsuit), which left Jennifer Nettles and Kristian Bush as a duet. The two of them co-write the majority of their songs and saw a lot of success in the 2000s

We haven't had much new music from them in recent years because in 2012 they went on hiatus after Jennifer had her son. They've both released some solo stuff since (but I still think they did better work when they were a team... sigh).

The First: Baby Girl

I'm just going to go ahead and say it: I think this is my favourite Sugarland song. I could probably say that about every Sugarland song, but I think this one is just the tiniest smidge higher than the others. We're only talking a fraction of a millimetre (on an imaginary scale), but I think it's still enough that it's noticeable. This was Sugarland's first single and Kristen Hall is on the track and in the music video since she was still a part of the band at this point.

The Second: Settlin'

Looking for some motivation to make a change? This is the song for you. I promise that there's some good stuff in there if you ignore Jennifer's Shania-Twain-circa-2004-esque dance moves (I'm thinking Party for Two) and listen to the lyrics instead.

The Third and Final: It Happens

I like to think that Sugarland has a sense of humour and that it sometimes comes out in their music (see Stuck Like Glue, for another example). This song is one of those times when I can't help but think that I would probably enjoy myself if someone twisted my arm and told me that I had to hang out with them for an afternoon. (But seriously guys... when are we hanging out?)

Finally, as a sort of bonus, I want to tell you about Trailer Hitch which was Kristian's debut solo number and I think it's a great demonstration of proving that (even though I think they sound better together) they both have the promise of a solo career.

Thanks for listening!