November 10, 2017

Awkward slideshows and Academic Awards

Have we not had a magnificent fall so far?? Like, this has been a fall out of the movies. Pretty sure hollywood produced and Mother Nature art directed this season. Crisp but sunny mornings, clear and relatively rainless skies (although I'll admit I'm looking forward to a rainy snuggly day inside this weekend for sure), and cold but not yet freezing temps. Who knew Vancouver had it in it? Plus, I've never seen so many trees gracefully lose their leaves in choreographed synchronicity in my 27 years on this earth. It's been glorious. If it were up to me, the Academy Award would go to fall, fo sho.

The First: Roots by Zac Brown Band

I mean. ZBB. What can I say?? There's a reason why they are and will forever be some of my favourite musicians and this song is a pretty clear summary of my argument as to why. Plus, in a charming twist of events, it seems that after years of getting flack for always wearing a toque, Zac has made a change. Perhaps this change is real. Or perhaps it's a way for him to take his hat game to an extreme with the hopes that we'll eventually start begging for his plain ole toques back. Who's to say? Zac, probably, but he hasn't responded to any of my fan mail demanding an answer to this very important question hat question so I guess we'll just never know. 

The Second: Diane by Cam

Cam! She's back! She's got more gold for us! I didn't realize I was in need of new stuff from this ray of sunshine until I heard this new single. Spoiler alert: turns out I needed new stuff from this ray of sunshine. There's also an acoustic version of this song which I feel captures the power of her voice, but we miss out on the beautiful harmonies so in a very unusual move on my part, I've opted for the recorded version instead. 

The Third and Final: Oklahoma Breakdown by Stoney LaRue

I really don't know what's happening with this seemingly random photo slideshow that's been put together for this YouTube video but it👏 is👏 something👏 else. Please enjoy it and enjoy it thoroughly. Since I haven't done this in a while, I figured this would be a great time for me to play a game I *just* named: The Weird Bits. The Weird Bits is a game in which I just casually draw your attention to the weird bits of the video. It's like easter egg hunting but with a very clear and detailed map of where to find only the strangely decorated eggs.
0:09 - Whose puppy is that?
0:38 - Who are these women? Why are they trapped in a funhouse mirror?
1:21 - Did that woman want to be in the photo? Did she sign a photo release form?
2:20 - Ah. Return of the clipart, I see.
3:22 - ???
And then I stopped watching.

I hope you all take the time to remember and honour those who have been lost in war - not just from Canada but all over our shared planet - this weekend and consider the freedom we enjoy as a result of a sacrifice from countless others. 

Thanks for listening!

November 3, 2017

Better late than never.

It's November.
It snowed yesterday.
Daily Savings ends on Sunday.
Red cups have made their debut at Starbucks.
The countdown to Country Christmas 2017 is on.
I'm hoarding mini Reese's Cups like it's my job (I wish. Could you imagine??)

These are just a few updates from the last few days that I felt were specifically important for me to share in case you've been living under a rock and didn't realize how close we are to the most wonderful time of the year. Because we're so close.

The First: Jackpot by Nikki Lane

That raspy voice though 👌. I haven't listened to much Nikki Lane in the past, but this song caught my ear earlier this week so I made a note and as it turns out I really like it. Hope you do too!

The Second: Dang If We Didn't by The Cadillac Three

This seems like an appropriate song to lead us into the weekend. Slow and steady but with a strong beat and a chorus that easily gets stuck in your head just like the small world song or that avocado lady. I'm really selling it now, aren't I?

The Third and Final: Kill Your Love by Jess Moskaluke

Weird and storyline-less music video (unless you're new here you know this is true for 40% of the videos I share) but the song is pretty catchy and you can't deny the power of Jess' voice.

Sorry this is rather short and sweet (and late) but I just couldn't keep my eyes open last night and it's honestly a miracle I'm getting this out at all. I'm off to snowy Whistler for the weekend and among other things I'm looking forward to catching up with a close friend I haven't seen in weeks. Hope yours is equally wonderful!

Thanks for listening,

October 20, 2017

Cold meds and make-up

Real talk: the only thing keeping me looking and acting like a real human right now are cold meds and make-up. So apologies in advance for the shorter CMF this week but... at least I tried?

The First: Dear Hate by Maren Morris feat. Vince Gill

So Maren Morris. AND Vince Gill. Together. What a recipe for success. This song is so heartbreakingly good and there's really not much more I can say, just listen to it.

The Second: Doin' Fine by Lauren Alaina

If you've been reading CMF for any amount of time, you can probably guess that I'm not super into this music video because it's... a lot. BUT I like the song and that, unlike so many others, it's not about getting over her own romantic relationship but that there are other layers to it. Like an onion, as Shrek would say. Weird reference? Probably.

The Third and Final: The Long Way by Brett Eldredge

If I'm being honest, I'm really just counting down the days until I can reasonably be listening to Brett's Christmas album without getting weird looks. So I'm settling for this song in the meantime because I do love it... and because if I just play all Brett Eldredge's songs on shuffle then sometime Spotify does me a solid and sneaks in one or two holiday ones. Because it knows that's what I really want.

Hope you all cozy up this weekend and enjoy the rainy days from inside some place warm. I intend to do just that with a little hot tea, a good book and some final trip planning mixed in too. Enjoy the last few hours of this work week!

Thanks for listening!

October 6, 2017

On repeat.

Here's the current state of things over in my apartment: In the last two hours I've made not one but two cups of tea and forgotten about both of them, causing them to over-steep and get all bitter and gross. I've sorta been trying to pack, write emails, put together CMF, and make a simple cup of tea simultaneously which is really the root of the problem. I threw out the first cup, but I'm forcing myself to drink the second one. Partially because it feels like a waste if I don't but mostly because it seems like an appropriate punishment.

All that to say: unlike my tea-steeping mistakes, this week's songs have been welcome repeat offenders in my apartment lately.

The First: Asking For A Friend by Devin Dawson

I was so torn between two Devin Dawson songs this week. I heard this one first though and it kind of makes me melt so it ultimately won out. But the other song is a groove-worthy winner too so I'm sneaking it in here anyways - it's called I Don't Care Who Sees and it's very good.

The Second: Hide The Wine by Carly Pearce

You already know that my love for these kind of country/blues-y numbers has consistently been on the rise since the summer and I just felt the need to remind you that it's still a thing. I blame my parents for taking me watch to jazz band concerts when I was younger, and also Michael Buble and Maren Morris for my obsession. Oh and by "blame" I really mean "thank".

The Third and Final: Bittersweet Company by Kip Moore

Kip just gets cooler and raspier with every song he puts out, doesn't he? Like, his sound has genuinely changed and matured from his days of hanging out in a truck in a farmer's field, don't you think? Am I only asking leading questions so that you agree with me? Yes. The answer to all of the above is yes.

On a different but important note... my heart breaks over the consistent events of senseless harm happening in this world - most recently in Las Vegas. It's really hard to consider the good that humans can do for one another when we're constantly hearing about those who choose to hurt instead of love. But I suppose these are the times when it's most important to keep love and goodness close to our hearts. If you're celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving - or if you aren't - my hope is that the weekend offers you moments to pause and remember the boundless good that there still is in this world, to give thanks for all that you have and perhaps think of how you can support those who aren't as fortunate, and finally, to hug your loved ones close.
Thanks for listening,

September 29, 2017

Hello from the other side (of September)

Well hellllooooo!

It's been a minute. How've you been? Cool, cool.

After a busy stretch at work and some much needed R&R time last week it appears that nearly a month has passed since CMF has done the rounds. I swear it was August and then I blinked and all of a sudden October was just around the corner in all it's orange, pumpkin spice glory. Anyone bought their pumpkins and candy corn yet?? Haha ha, I'm just kidding*... Speaking of inappropriately timed holiday accoutrements, please let me know if you find the snack-size individually wrapped Reese's cups anywhere - my annual hunt has started. 

The First: I'll Name The Dogs by Blake Shelton

He👏 is👏 back👏 !! It was a rough stretch there with all his bitter somber contributions to the world of country. I'm accepting this song as his second wind of greatness. And *spoiler alert* his second wind is adorable. Not only is the song really sweet but somehow so is the music video (thank goodness). All in all, well done sir.

The Second: Slow Dance In A Parking Lot by Jordan Davis

Mr. Davis is quickly stealing my heart, y'all. This song kind of just makes you want to fall in love, doesn't it? That's 50% why I enjoy it. The other 50% is definitely because it reminds me of old school Tswift. You can spin me around by a Walmart sign any night, Jordan. Here's another gem from him if you're so inclined.

The Third and Not-so-Final: It's Working by James Barker Band

You know what's working? James Barker Band, that's what. It's catchy song after catchy song from these delightful Canadian boys. I attribute the catchy-ness of their songs to the strong beat. Anything that's clap-along-able is wonderful and deserves being played on repeat for hours if you ask me.

The Bonus: Hometown Kids by The Reklaws

You get a bonus song today because a) I've got too many songs to share and b) I feel bad for being a little MIA. Don't say I never give you anything.

I've been on the white picket fence (was that appropriately small town or what??) about this song for a while because it's pretty pop-y but I ultimately like it so here ya go. It also has a distinctly summery sound and I've been told that some people could still use one final desperate grasp at summertime. And finally I'm sharing it because Mr. Dimples there charmed me into it.

I have nothing planned this weekend and I truly could not be happier about it. Maybe I'll even get a jump start on next week's post so that it's not another month of static over here. Who knows??

Thanks for listening!

August 25, 2017

Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner (She'll Fall Asleep)

Live video footage of me being super excited about stuff at work and then immediately falling asleep when I get home.

The First: Whiskey's Fine by Adam Doleac

Was listening to a mix of new music at work earlier this week and this song hit me like a rock. I can't really tell you why so I'll just go with I think it's beautiful and catchy. Adam's not only a new name around here, but also an emerging artist on the country scene and, based on what I've heard so far, I think this is just the beginning.

The Second: Guilty Flowers by Ward Thomas

They're either super hipster or they're just twins from Britain. Or maybe they're both. Either way, I'm a fan. Plus we need more ladies on here just like the world needs more country music lovers. And also once they covered that one Bieber song I love and that's fun, right?

The Third and Final: Not Everything's About You by Old Dominion

My faves. Though I wasn't the biggest fan of their last release (sorry boys, but both the song and the music video seemed well-intentioned but generally off the mark to me), this one is another story.
Not to mention the bonus treat of that a capella harmonizing that they gifted us at the beginning of this video. Dear Old Dominion, I've said it before and I'll say it again: I will marry any of you as long as you promise to sing to me on the regs.

Since by brain could barely focus on choosing three songs this week, perhaps we'll skip all this cordial chit chat at the end here and just let me sleep. Have a great weekend everyone!

Thanks for listening!

August 18, 2017

Breaking My Own Rules

Look! I did it! We did it! A CMF is actually happening this week and we've all made it to Friday. Congratulations to all of us.

But mostly congratulations to me.

The First: For The First Time by Darius Rucker

YASSS Hootie! It's live. It's on top of a tower. It's so good you'll start shoulder dancing and head bobbing and foot stomping by the one minute mark at the latest. This is a great end of summer Friday night dancing barefoot in your living room while wearing workout clothes even though you already know you're defs not going to be working out that day (ha!) because you've already cracked open a bottle of wine kind of song. You know? I know you know. 

The Second: Hallelujah covered by Brett Young

Ugh. You know. I've said it before and I'll say it again: It's really unfair that this guy has all that talent and also has that face. This happens to be one of my favourite songs to sing and my friends and I love it so much that we refer to it as one of our "standards" during our Sunday night jam sessions. I like Brett's slow and steady take on it but unfortunately he does come in second place to my all-time favourite cover of this song. Not even Brett Young can quite measure up to the experience that is J Star Valentine.

The Third and Final: Sixteen by Thomas Rhett

So, shout out to Thomas Rhett because his new album is good. Like, really, really good. I was this close to not featuring this song today because he already got his fill of the spotlight last Friday but... I just had this song stuck in my head all day and so I'm breaking my own rules and sharing him twice in a row (which never happens unless your name is Zac Brown SO YOU BETTER BE PAYING ATTENTION, THOMAS).

So what are you up to this weekend? Soaking in the last few beach days of summer? Going on an adventure? Hanging out with friends? Tell me all about it! I need to live vicariously through all of you instead of working which is what I'll be up to. But then I think I'm going to go hang out by a pool afterwards so that's something.

Thanks for listening!

August 11, 2017

Summer Storms and Soggy Bottoms

Happy August!!

I hope you all enjoyed your long weekend! As much as I would have liked to spend all of mine out on the beach, I only visited it for a few short periods on account of the very smokey and not-so-great-for-your-lungs air quality we're currently experiencing in the city. Instead I read a lot, rapped along to Hamilton, spent time catching up with friends, and avoided talking to strangers at social gatherings. So other than not spending time at the beach, all par for the course really.

On a bit of a programming note, we're heading into the busy season at work and as much as I'd like to say that you'll still see a CMF in your inbox every Friday morning... that just may not happen based on how tired and/or musically exposed I am in the coming weeks. I'm aiming to stay on track, but as you've probably already noticed you may not receive a weekly CMF every Friday through mid-September, depending on how things roll out. In the meantime, feel free to throw on the CMF playlist on Spotify if you really need your fix!

The First: When It Rains It Pours by Luke Combs

I avoided this song for a while because I assumed from the title that it would be slow and broody and I wasn't really interested in that. But as is often the case when I make assumptions, I was wrong! This song is a fun one so give it a listen.

The Second: Unforgettable by Thomas Rhett

In. To. Ittttt! Even if I have I no idea was a "mango-rita" is. From what I've gathered via interviews he's done, Mr. Rhett wrote this song about meeting his wife and the start of their relationship. The beat and the story and all of it makes me real happy. And just like that title would suggest, the song is fairly unforgettable and hasn't really left my brain since it was released. Thanks, dude.

The Third and Final: Soggy Botton Summer by Dean Brody ft. Alan Doyle

I remember the good ole days of soggy bottom summers as a kid. We used to spend all day at the lake and although there weren't tube-able rivers in our town, we would sometimes go tubing whenever we were on vacation. Great times and both activities that would often leave your swimsuit bottoms a little soggy because they always took a bit longer to dry. As an adult I don't really experience soggy bottoms because I've matured, you see. And as a mature adult I know that going into any body of water that you can't see the bottom of isn't the best idea because sea monsters.
On another note, you may have noticed that Alan Doyle of Great Big Sea fame lends his one-of-a-kind pipes to the bridge of this song. Much like you would expect from a Bieber song that spontaneously features a rapper de jour partway through. But, like, way better of course. And even more Canadian.

It's looking like rain and maybe even some thunderstorms this weekend in Vancouver! My excitement for this is two-fold. First, we desperado need rain to clear up those wildfires and all the resulting smoke. Two, I love a good thunderstorm. Like, a lot. Especially in the summer when it's still warm enough to have your windows and doors open so that you can listen to the loud rain and thunder with a glass of wine, a good book, and a candle or two. That's the life. I'm going to be so happy if that's what my Sunday ends up looking like.

Thanks for listening!

July 28, 2017

Spectrum of Twang

Imma be honest. I've mostly just been listening to Slow Hands by Niall Horan all week. Yes, that's right. A song by one of the One Direction-ers. I'm judging me too. But I'm judging me while I have solo dance parties in my living room and in my car and at my desk at work. And those dance parties seem to be overriding the self-judgment so it's all good.

The First: Good Directions by Billy Currington

This came on the radio the other night and I hadn't heard it in years. I forgot how delightful the story in this song is - made only more charming by Billy's heavy twang. For the record: don't ask me what turnip greens are. I don't know and I didn't take the time to google it. Please share with the class if you do.

The Second: Singles You Up by Jordan Davis

This song is a little silly (is "singles you up" even a term?? I don't know.) but it's catchy and we all know I'm a sucker for catchy songs. I'm also a sucker for Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Just, like, in case you're new here and wanted to get me a treat.

The Third and Final: In The Blood by John Mayer

CONTROVERSY. Is this country music? Or is this just John Mayer being his kinda folksy John Mayer-y self?? Please discuss.
JRfm deemed this country and if we're all being real here I've been waiting years for an excuse to sneak some jaymay into CMF so I'll take this as a sign to do so. (Even though this really isn't country music if you ask me... shhh...)

I'm going on an outdoor adventure tomorrow that I'm hoping includes ice cream and fireworks at some point. There's only so many sunny summer weekends left and we gotta make the most of them before the winter descends again. And to me, making the most of them means getting ice cream and watching fireworks.
Anyways. See you in August.

Thanks for listening!

July 21, 2017

I'm sorry if you missed me last week.

I know you probably forgot it was even Friday without a CMF in your inbox. I may have started working on last week's CMF real late at night and within a few minutes closed my laptop and felt guilty about it but went to bed anyway. And then I had a nightmare about being robbed and also having a giant crocodile stalk me so don't worry, I clearly paid the price for my choice.

The First: Homemade by Cold Creek County

There's twang. There's talk about hometowns and football games. There are front porch scenes. There's good lookin' men who can sing and play instruments and charm horses (not all at once, mind you... but still). If that's not enough encouragement to hit play, I don't know what is. Though I gotta say, those oddly powerful and unexpected fist pumps are a bit of an odd choice, boys.

The Second: Slow Ride by American Young

Well isn't this just lovely and swoon-worthy?

The Third and Final: Road Trippin' by Dan + Shay

I'm calling this one the soundtrack for my weekend! Definitely on the pop-y side of country but I feel that's just the summertime landscape of this genre. All the pop-y stuff shines during the summer months. If I'm being honest though, I'm always pretty content with any Dan + Shay song that includes a little bit of their fast-paced rap-esque (is it even considered rap? Can someone cooler than me please confirm??) signature style.

First off, a very happy birthday to my friend Tiff! Thanks again for forcing me to be friends with you many years ago. You were right, it needed to happen. I know that now. I hope you have an amazing time celebrating!

While I don't get to spend all of my weekend celebrating Tiff, I do get to spend it relaxing with an equally awesome friend I don't get to see as often and I'm really looking forward to catching up and slowing down over the next few days in her company.

Thanks for listening!

July 7, 2017

A Jazzier Friday

I've pretty much just been listening to Maren Morris all week, so today's selections are definitely on the blues-y/jazzier side of the country spectrum as a result. But who doesn't like a blues-y soundtrack to rock them into the weekend?? (If you put your hand up in response to that question, please put it down. I can't see you. This is the internet.)

The First: Make You Feel My Love covered by Maisy Stella

It's undeniable that this girl has got a pretty incredible and unique voice. This sweet rendition is made even sweeter with her dad accompanying her on the guitar. I'll admit, her raw talent makes me super jealous. But knowing that she's literally half my age (I looked her up and learned we share a birthday, you see) and has already had the experiences she's had is even more sobering. Thankfully I've got this song to calm my nerves.

The Second: Waiting On You by Lindsay Ell

I'm into this. Like, I could probably listen to it on repeat for a solid two to three days before I would start getting tired of it, which I feel is a significant amount of time to listen to the same song over and over and over and over again. A note about the music video: do not be ashamed if you watch it to the end and are frustrated that she didn't remove the painters tape. It frustrated me a lot. I re-watched it twice to see if I had missed something and then became very annoyed when I learned that I missed nothing. She just. didn't. remove. it.

The Third and Final: Company You Keep by Maren Morris

Since I've been listening to her non-stop I figured I better share something. I think this song is a great reminder of what's is really important - it's not what you do but rather the people you do it with. I've also really been loving Rich lately, though there is some mildly NSFW language so I figured I'd link it instead, out of respect for you and your officemates. 😉

And so ends another week. My long weekend was just splendid! Lots of beach time, pool time, friend time, and out-of-town-visitor time to really stretch out the weekend. More than that, it was just the right balance of having stuff to do and relaxing in preparation for what has turned out to be a very full first week in my new job. Looking forward to another weekend of summertime activities as of 5pm this evening! Hoping your calendars look the same.

Finally, a shout out to my sweet parents who were married 30 years ago today. Happy anniversary to the people who made me who I am today (minus the love for country music... because no one knows where that came from). Love you!

Thanks for listening!

June 30, 2017

Delightfully Charming

After two years and two months, I said (a temporary) goodbye to all my sweet colleagues in the Faculty yesterday and I still don't know how I feel about it. The only thing I do know is that I'm going to miss seeing them everyday and working in an environment where it's commonplace for people to have super specific and endearing passions for things like soil and cheese cultures and flamingos and bees. It's simply been an amazing work family to have had the privilege of being a part of.

The First: Motel Flamingo by Madeline Merlo

I'll be honest, when that sun comes out and this song comes on there is little else I need to be happy. Maybe a drink and a beach chair. But that's pretty much it. I mean, I wouldn't turn down a kitten if you're offering. But other than that, I swear I'm set. And yes, I do find her references to burritos and Doritos delightfully charming.

The Second: Five More Minutes by Scotty McCreery

When I think back to summer nights as a kid, I can't help but remember all the times I'd yell for five more minutes. Like when my brother and I would play badminton at night and try to attract bats by hitting the birdie as high as we could. Or when my friend Kendra and I would spend hours laying on my driveway because the asphalt was still warm from the summer sun (we probably looked ridiculous) looking for shooting stars and deciphering constellations. Or when my mum would come by my room to tell me it was time to turn off the lights and I would desperately ask for more time to finish the chapter I was reading (and would inevitably keep on reading by moonlight even after the lights were turned off).

The Third and Final: Fix A Drink by Chris Janson

This video is kind of bordering on being too country for me, which is probably why I passed it up a few weeks ago. But then, as the story always goes, I started to hear it more and more and goodness gracious is it catchy. And so here we are, with me letting Chris Janson and all his famous country music friends have the pleasure of singing you into the long weekend.

Happy Canada Day Long Weekend - hope you have exciting, sun-filled, and patriotic plans lined up! Mine has quickly gone from a light to heavily packed (with fun things and people) weekend. Enjoy yourself, whatever you're up to!

Thanks for listening!

June 23, 2017

Beyonce's Twins

So I gather that Beyonce gave birth to her twin children earlier this week. I hear it's a big deal for literally millions of people who have never met her. In the midst of this current pop culture event, the ever-faithful People of the Internet have been coming up with several amusing posts about it which I've definitely had a few laughs over. Ah, the internet. I hope it never ceases to be the weird and funny place it is.

Speaking of weird and funny... let's move onto CMF shall we? 😉

The First: Sway by Danielle Bradbery

This was playing the other night as I was standing in the living room brushing my teeth, as one does (I like to meander while brushing), and I very quickly realized I was slowly swaying along. And I just thought that was really nifty. Now, I don't think there's a word for this but hear me out... I feel like this song is like an onamonapia but if instead of the word mimicking the sound, the word mimics the action. Catch my drift? Long story/English lesson short: I just appreciate that this song is titled Sway and legit makes you sway. Swag.

The Second: Heartache On The Dance Floor by Jon Pardi

I still remember when I first heard Jon Pardi's quirky southern twang and becoming really confused by how much I loved it. Well, friends, nothing has changed. I still love the weirdness of it and he keeps making music so that means you're going to continue to hear from him and that's just the way things are for now.

The Third and Final: California by Tim McGraw ft. Big & Rich

I thought about finishing off this week's picks with a really sweet release from Dallas Smith but that'll just have to wait for another week in the interest of keeping this subtle, office-friendly dance party going with Mr. McGraw, Mr. Rich and Big Kenny. As you may have guessed, I really like the Hollywood/Beverly Hills/Sunset Boulevard wordplay. And the beat. I obviously also love the beat (this is car dance party-approved too, in case you were wondering).

Welp. This time next week I'll have wrapped things up at work in order to move into a new position and I can't quite decide how I feel about it. Bittersweet is probably the closest real person word for it, though it's not a perfect fit. Can we make Sadnostalgicnervousexcited a word? Because I really just feel like that's a better descriptor for my current state of being. Regardless of what it's called, let's all just cross our fingers that I get around to actually packing up my office before then! Eek.

Thanks for listening!

June 16, 2017

So you're a rocket scientist?

So I'm sick. Again. Who knows why but after five days of being teased with a tickle in my throat and a lingering cough, it finally took hold and turned into something a little harder to ignore. All this to say, forgive me in advance for a shorter than usual CMF this week - the cold meds are wearing off and my bed is calling.

The First: Life's About To Get Good by Shania Twain

WELL HELLO SHANIA!! She's back, folks! Now, is this a little more electronic-y than I wish it was? Perhaps. But am I really going to complain about new music from this goddess of Canadian country? Heck no. Looking forward to the new album!

The Second: Holding The Other by Lauren Alaina

So apparently Lauren is in a movie which from the trailer just looks like the 2017 version of Crossroads... regardless, there's no denying that she's got a great voice and so I'm happy to have a new song to listen to as a result of this movie.

The Third and Final: Boy by Lee Brice

I feel like it's been ages since we've heard something new from Lee Brice and I figured this one would be a nice share right before Father's Day this weekend.

And on that note, Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there! A special shout out to mine who really is the most generous, selfless, and hilarious (don't tell him I said that last part though) man I know.

Thanks for listening!

June 9, 2017

Zero to Hero

Welllll hi. There's no real story here other than I recently re-watched on old Disney favourite - Hercules - and haven't been able to get this song out of my head. My hope is that you all click that link and get it stuck in your head too.

Sharing is caring.

And now onto the country music...

The First: Crazy About You by The Road Hammers

Nice to hear something a little more lovey dovey from these guys. Do you remember your first crush? Mine was this blonde boy named Daniel who was approximately two feet shorter than me and my only memory of ever being brave enough to talk to him was over a game of mini golf that I caused us to lose during a field trip to the PNE. Needless to say, he never brought me a dandelion bouquet.

The Second: A Long and Happy Life by Delta Rae

Allow me to introduce you to Delta Rae. They're like an older and waaay more hipster version of the original Gloriana (remember them?)... at least they are to me. The only real difference is that Delta Rae has way more members and are also unfortunately bad lip-syncers. Regardless, I wish them a much better fate than Gloriana - mostly because I'm really diggin' this song and want to hear what else they come up with.

The Third and Final: Somebody To Love by Kacey Musgraves

This lady. We haven't heard from her in a while and although this isn't a new song, it popped up on a shuffle the other day and I was reminded of how much I love the messages in her music. Apologies to those of you who thought that maybe this was a cover of a Queen song. It's not. But it's still good in its own right.

After a bit of a whirlwind week, I'm looking forward to a slightly more calm weekend. More calm with the exception of the laser tag I'll be playing on Sunday - I play to win when it comes to laser-related zero stake wars.

Thanks for listening!

June 2, 2017

Calendars are dumb

Well, well, well. What have we here? Looks like we've made it to another Friday aka one short work day away from the weekend. Congratulations! Pat yourself on the back! What an accomplishment!
Unless you're like me and have ended up with a day off today in which case Friday probably means sleeping in. And if that's the case, I guess I would also say "congratulations!" "pat yourself on the back!" and "what an accomplishment!" because sleeping is hard work too.

The First: Something To Wrap My Heart Around by Jojo Mason

Jojo tends to have this awful habit of taking months to get his music onto the Youtube and so when I heard this song the other day I only halfheartedly typed it into the search box, truly expecting that I was in for several weeks of frustratingly fruitless searches. But guess who's apparently changed their ways?? It's Mr. Mason and we should all be thankful about it because it means we get to listen to this today.

The Second: The Way I Talk by Morgan Wallen

Man. Don't you miss the days of just casually perching yourself on a basketball net or playing softball in an empty pool? I know I sure do.

The Third and Final: At Last covered by Brooke Eden

Yes, yes, yes. I know this isn't a country song.
I kind of fell down a rabbit hole of Brooke Eden videos on Youtube and this is where I ended up. Mostly I wish I had this girl's voice because it's pretty incredible. She's just released her EP too, which hopefully means we'll be hearing from her some more over the next little while. If you're looking for more right this instant, here's a hot off the press (camera?) music video for you.

I don't know what you're up to this weekend but it's my high school reunion which is just a little startling to think about. I do not feel like it was ten years ago that I graduated high school but according to the calendar it has, in fact, been that long. But here's another fact for you: calendars are dumb.

Thanks for listening!

May 26, 2017

Just some great tunes, okay.

Well we may not have a long weekend to look forward to but we do at least have a weekend (and if you're in BC like me, sunshine!) and that's something to celebrate regardless. Wouldn't you agree?

The First: All About You by Josh Turner aka The Best Looking Guy in Country Music

Josh Turner has been sharing some stuff from his new album on the Youtube which means we can all enjoy it together! And it's good. This particular song is mostly just super catchy and, as you know, I think a catchy song is a pretty good start to the weekend.

Catchiness, exhibit a: the lyrics for this song may include "friggin' diggin' livin' in your world" which is almost as ridiculous/wonderful as Brett Eldredge's "flip flop flippin'" (which we already know I approve of).

I'll also take this opportunity to go ahead and share another *bonus* song that I really love off Josh's album, called Never Had A Reason. It's got a similar message, but is a bit slower, sweeter, and he doesn't say "friggin' diggin' livin'" in it, on the off change you weren't super into that.

The Second: Losing Sleep by Chris Young

I mean, we had one deep-voiced crooner, so might as well add his apprentice*, Chris Young, to the lineup too I suppose. I like the stop and start beat thing (that was obviously a technical term) that's going on during the verses of this song. It pulls me and gets me on the edge of my seat. Did the song just abruptly end? Will it stop again? Will I fall off this chair I'm precariously sitting on? Who knows!

*There is no evidence to suggest that Chris Young is actually Josh Turner's apprentice. I don't even know if they know each other. I mean, they probably do since the country music world is small enough to make that a very real possibility, but I just can't be absolutely positive about it - you know?

The Third and Final: Makin' Me Look Good Again by Drake White

Closing it out with some blues-y country to get you coasting into the weekend on some feel-good mellow vibes. (I'm so sorry I just used "feel-good" and "mellow" and "vibes" all at once. It won't happen ever again, you have my word. Please don't judge this song off my lack of sophisticated vocabulary. The song's still good, I promise). 

The end of May brings with it a lot of birthdays for friends and family which means I get to celebrate some really great people this weekend. Bring on the birthday cake!

Thanks for listening!

May 19, 2017

Props to the Queen

May Long is HERE!! And we all get Swiss weeks next week, courtesy of the Queen. So lovely of her.

I don't really have that much more to say other than I hope these songs help you get through whatever's left of your workday and that you've got some great plans in store for how you'll spend this long-weekend gift.

The First: Heart Break by Lady Antebellum

I kind of think this is the country version of John Mayer's Perfectly Lonely and I'm super pleased about it. I love that song and I love country (a shock to all of you, I'm sure), so this works for me on several levels. Three levels, in fact.

The Second: You'll Accomp'ny Me covered by Frankie Ballard

I realize there's a lot of new stuff out right now that I could be featuring, but this one has been on repeat because it's got a strong beat that's oh-so-perfect for a sunny (fingers crossed!) long weekend. Plus there's snapping, which is like second best to clapping, which we all know I love incorporated into my music.

The Third and Final: Happy People by Little Big Town

Beyond the fact that these four really can't do wrong with their song choices, I'm really loving this one. I get that it's not the most country-sounding in a hoedown kinda way, but I think the message is positive and true and that's pretty country unto itself. Don't forget to be a happy person this weekend.

And with that, I hope your day passes quick and that you're swiftly ushered into a weekend of relaxation and sunshine (fingers double crossed)!

Thanks for listening!

May 12, 2017

Let's be more Swiss.

It's Friday! Finally! Find yourself some friends and a cocktail and cheers to the weekend!

In between extended weekend trips and some long-anticipated days off, it's been a few weeks since I've worked a full five-day week. And you know what I've learned? Five days a long haul. Who else is thinking that Switzerland, Sweden, and the Netherlands (among a few others) have the right idea with their four-day work weeks? All in favour for being more like the Swiss raise your hand.
I thought so.

Bonus: I also love swiss cheese, so I'm thinking this'll work out well for me in more ways than one.

The First: Tin Man by Miranda Lambert

Well just break my heart and put it back together, Miranda. I love this.
She sounds like old Miranda circa Famous in a Small Town and New Strings and it's so good. Not only is this song great, but can we take a moment to just appreciate her as a performer? It's just her and her guitar and her voice and a spotlight and she has that entire audience captivated. I mean, her fringe should also get a shout out for its stage presence (obviously) but mostly it's just her guitar and her voice that captivates you. And that's pretty incredible.

The Second: I Could Use A Love Song by Maren Morris

I've had a hard time finding a Maren Morris song I haven't immediately loved, and this one is no different. It's on the slower side but oh so good. As you may have guessed, the official music video was waaay too much drama for a Friday and disrupted the song a few times so you get this zero budget lyric video instead. Trust me. It's for the best.

The Third and Final: Broken Halos by Chris Stapleton

Man can this guy sing. I don't know that I'll ever tire of his voice and the never pop-y song selections. I think what I love most about Chris Stapleton's music is that it's always all about his voice and the lyrics. They're not about how catchy they can make the chorus sound or if the kids in the club will be able to dance along to the music (clubs are still a thing, right?). They're just about the weight of his voice and I think that's cool.

Looking forward to a few sunshine-filled walks along the water, plans with friends, and the return of a certain European traveller this weekend. Hope you've got exciting plans in the works too!

Thanks for listening!

May 5, 2017

Cleaning = Relaxing

Happy Cinco de Mayo, friends!

I'm looking forward to an easy weekend at home after several weekends spent being a busybee and/or out of town. I'm gonna watch a lot of Planet Earth and clean my apartment and drink wine/margaritas and my goodness am I looking forward to all of it. Yes, even the cleaning part. Most people probably wouldn't include cleaning in their list of things that are relaxing but if you know me at all, this likely doesn't surprise you; I clean and tidy when I'm happy, stressed, procrastinating, and yes, even when I want to relax. A clean house is cathartic, people!

The First: More Girls Like You by Kip Moore

This song came on the radio yesterday and it dawned on me that I never got around to sharing it. It was the fourth in line for several weeks there but just kept coming in as the runner up and eventually was forgotten about. So sorry, Kip. Sharing you first this week to make up for it.

The Second: Play It Safe by Petric

I've said it before and I'll say it again, these Manitoba brothers are quickly giving the High Valley boys a run for their money. I like this song for the summer because it's easy and carefree and upbeat. Plus it sounds like there's some banjo thrown in there too, which you can't really go wrong with in my opinion.
PS. because I know not everyone's into live acoustic performances in radio station booths, if you're looking for the recorded version you can find it here.

The Third and Final: That's When You Know by Chris Buck Band ft. Kira Isabella

Okay FINE. This video is adorable. And I appreciate that they include some of the lows throughout the couple's relationship and not just all the good lovey dovey stuff. Makes it feel a bit more real, you know? I'm also a fan of the pairing of Chris and Kira's voices here - and not just because of their inherent Canadian wonder.

Cheers to a relaxing weekend for all of us - even if cleaning isn't part of your plans.

Thanks for listening,

April 28, 2017

I can't think of a good title

Much of my week has been spent like this: reminiscing over photos from last weekend's wedding festivities; getting sick; sleeping; feeling kinda better; getting even more sick; sleeping some more; eating frozen mango on my couch because most other foods feel like I'm swallowing razor blades; sleeping again. Needless to say, it's been a real riveting time around here.

The First: I Know She Ain't Ready by Luke Combs

Luke Combs has been gaining some traction lately so I thought I'd share the first song I ever heard of his. It's a sweet story if you like stories about pining, I guess? If you don't, just enjoy the smooth twang in his voice instead.

The Second: Love and War by Brad Paisley ft. John Fogerty

Mr. Paisley shared his album on Youtube last week, so of course I had no choice but to pass some of it along to you today. This is the title song from the new album and, although it's an early prediction, I think it's a favourite. Some of the others are... boring (sorry to say it, Brad.) But! If you like it and are just super excited to have some new Paisley in your life, I can also recommend Grey Goose Chase which I find sounds a bit like Catch All The Fish and I'm not complaining about it.

The Third and Final: Any Way The Wind Blows by Home Free

Shocker: the music video concept isn't great but the song really is - especially since it's an original and these boys typically stick with covers. I've listened to this song twice and it's already stuck in my head. I'd be annoyed but it's actually not that bad a song to have stuck in your head. Examples of songs that would be worse: the Small World song, The Song That Never Ends, anything by Nickelback. I need not go on.

Hoping for a strong recovery and a good weekend with my extended family. Hope you all have relaxing, sickness-free, Nickelback-free weekends!

Thanks for listening!

April 21, 2017

Rainbows and sunshine but absolutely no unicorns please.

I know, I know. I've been AWOL. But let's just blame the busy-ness of travelling, Easter, and wedding planning - cool? Just be thankful that this whole Starbucks Unicorn Frap thing hasn't caused another week's hiatus for recovery purposes because it's weird people.

The First: Love Story by Taylor Swift

Throwing it way back in honour of two dear friends who are saying "I do" to one another this weekend. This is the bride's favourite karaoke song, so obviously I had to include it. Hoping this next chapter in their love story is a beautiful and memorable one! #chengfray2017 #prayforsunshine

The Second: Lonely Drum by Aaron Goodvin

This song has been playing on repeat in my brain for weeks! I curse myself for not writing a CMF earlier to have shared it with all of you because it is excellent. It makes me want to dance. But since usually I'm listening to it in the car and I don't know how to dance like a normal human when I'm in the car, it just ends up being these weird but super aggressive shoulder shrugs and head bobbling. See? Now I've distracted you from being upset about the lack of CMFs with that imagery instead. Sneaky...

The Third and Final: Real Thing by Zac Brown Band

Ugh. Zac Brown... I've said it before and I'll say it again: leave some talent for the rest of us. This is the perfect easy listening sunny Saturday morning song. So listen to it now but then also put it on tomorrow for when you laze around and sip on your coffee. It'll do you good.

Looking forward to a weekend celebrating great friends and having a generally awesome time. Hope y'all have an exciting weekend planned too!

Thanks for listening,

March 31, 2017

School Dance Reenactments Included

Well hellllloooooo! Apologies for the missed post last week... Some weeks you meal prep, go to bed on time, get your workouts in, manage to be a charming and social person, write CMF, etc. Other weeks you... don't. You get one guess on what kind of week it was last week.

The First: Happy People by Little Big Town

New stuff from Little Big Time always makes me a happy person. I like this song for many reasons but mostly because don't we all need to be reminded what the keys to happiness are these days?

The Second: Skin and Bones by Eli Young Band

If I was in high school again (but actually, let's all be thankful that's not really a thing that has to be re-lived) and I was at a dance, I suppose this would be a decent song to slow dance to. Turn on this song and follow this link for a look at what that would be like.

The Third and Final: Chills by James Barker Band

So to be honest, I was kind of feeling pretty meh on this song when I first heard it. But then the chorus came on and I was like heck yes! because it's so fun and catchy and now we ALL got chills. Also yes, fine, the music video is cute. Bonus: these boys are Canadian.

Can you believe it's April tomorrow? APRIL. Twenty seventeen. What? How. I feel like the guy in the Maxell tape ad with how fast time is whipping by. I'm simultaneously confused, sad, confused again, and excited that another academic year is wrapping up and summertime is on its sweet way.

Also, just because it's the best April Fool's Day prank I've ever successfully pulled, let's remember last year because I'm still so proud of it.

Thanks for listening!

March 17, 2017

Jack Bauer and Bigfoot

Real talk: I've basically still just been listening to this Brett Eldredge song on repeat for the last two weeks because it's just so great. But it also means that I got distracted a lot while writing this/searching for new songs... whoops!


The First: No Such Thing As A Broken Heart by Old Dominion

OLD DOM IS BACK. And they've found Bigfoot.

The Second: Drive Me Away by Jess Moskaluke

PSA: The song starts a full thirty seconds into the video.
I'm sorry. I have no control over these things. We all know if I did, music videos wouldn't waste our time with long pre-song intros nor would there be breaks for storyline progression/dialogue mid-song.

Since we're talking about music videos... I am also confused about whether this guy is a) her mechanic, b) her boyfriend, or c) both. We'll never know.
The song is catchy though.

The Third and Final: Can't Stay Away by Kiefer Sutherland

Yep. That's right. That's Kiefer Sutherland. Of 24 fame. Turns out he can do more than just save the world hour-by-hour. He can also sing and play guitar. Probably not at the same time as saving the world - that would be a little tricky. But then again, Jack Bauer could probably swing it if he needed to. Please enjoy.

So... who do you think would win in a fight? Jack Bauer or Bigfoot? I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this very important issue concerning two fictional characters with very real followings.

Thanks for listening!

March 10, 2017

Daylight Savings and Ice Showers

My apartment had no hot water this morning. So I took an ice water shower. Pretty sure I didn't get out all the shampoo/conditioner. Needless to say, that was a simply lovely (and startling) start to my day. I hope the end of your week is off to a slightly warmer start.

The First: If You Left It Up To Me by RaeLynn

A) Love her natural twang. B) She's been around the country music scene since appearing on The Voice (I think??) and although I have enjoyed her stuff, I haven't loved her stuff. But this one I love. C) Love her outfit. I wish I could pull it off/I wish it was an appropriate thing to wear to work.

The Second: Fast by Luke Bryan

It's been a while since I've really loved a Luke Bryan song. But that time has come and could not have come faster (ha! Get it??). Super into this one. The chorus is great and catchy. It's not bro country. BUT it's still Luke Bryan.

Also, this happened and we need to talk about it because it's just so close to my dream of having all the Brett's and all the Young's together!

The Third and Final: When A Mama's Boy Meets A Daddy's Girl by Aaron Pritchett

Well this is just straight up sweet. And I do love Aaron Pritchett so it's a great combo. Plus the line "it's the promise of forever so I can kiss you all the time" reminds me of Sweet Home, Alabama which is my favourite Reese Witherspoon romcom (FYI). Also I'm like 88% confident that the guy who plays the new father who runs into the hospital room at the end of the video was on my softball team two years ago. Maybe even closer to 94%. Roughly.

Finally, a major shout out to Aaron for challenging those gender stereotypes. Thank you, Mr. Pritchett.

After the very full weekend that was last weekend's bachelorette festivities I plan to take this weekend to do nothing but laze around and do (you guessed it) do nothing. I can't wait. Hope you've got much more exciting or equally relaxing things planned for your Daylight Savings Sunday.

Thanks for listening!

March 3, 2017

Fridays Should Be Fun

For those of you have been counting in agony along with me, it's been four months since my radio decided to act like a weirdo phantom and drain my car battery like a jerk.

Hwell. My awesome friend and fixer-of-all-things, Hassan, and I worked on it this weekend (aka he worked on it and I tried to be helpful by popping the hood whenever he told me to) and long story short: it's working again!! So I now know what's been going on in the local country music scene and have been considerably less bored on my commutes. We all win.

So, shout out to Hass. He's amazing.
(He's my friend, you can't have him.)

The First: Shoot Out The Lights by Jessie James Decker

Jessie just released her newest album, Gold, and this is the first song that caught my ear (Gold itself is a little too slow for me, but still a decent title song). Contrary to these lyrics, I love spending my nights hanging out at home. I also liked doing that when I was 17. But it's nice to pretend that in another life perhaps I lived the kind of life Jessie sings about in this song.

Have you ever heard Jessie's song Clint Eastwood? Because that's a good one too. I recommend.

The Second: Barn Burner by Dan Davidson

This video is... I don't even know. BUT THE SONG IS SO FUN! Like please someone take me to a barn dance IMMEDIATELY and have the band play this. You can thank the recent resurgence of my car stereo + the fact that Dan Davidson is hard to keep track of for me being so late to the game with this one. But what an awesome welcome back to the world of FM radio waves, I tell ya. Also: Hello Kitty.

The Third and Final: Somethin' I'm Good At by Brett Eldredge

This guy. Swiftly becoming a favourite because he is clearly just having the time of his life making music and isn't that what we all want to listen to?? I know it is for me. And I also know it is for him because he STRAIGHT UP SAYS SO IN THIS SONG (see 3:03 for the evidence, right after his supa-cool rap section). Also, if that weren't enough (gosh you're hard to please), he is ripping through a painting on a scooter in the publicity photo for this song. And finally, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, he says "flip flop flippin'." Like it's just a normal thing to say. He don't care.

Hope y'all have an absolutely lovely weekend! I'm spending mine celebrating a dear friend who's about to get hitched. Scavenger hunts and plastic tiaras and champagne will all be involved (obvi). Also a shout out to my friend Kali and my brother Jay who are both celebrating birthdays this weekend. Fun!

Thanks for listening!

February 24, 2017

No Good Reason

I'm excited for this week's selections for honestly no good reason other than I just think they're fun. But then again, the idea of cat wine appeals to me for the same reason, so maybe tired Karla isn't the best person to be taking advice from.

To be determined. I guess you'll just have to listen to find out.

Stone Cold Killers by Dallas Smith

I can only stay away from featuring this talented gem for so long. And it's been months since we've had a decent listen to Dallas Smith around here, so it's about that time. This is an oldie but a goodie that I've just rediscovered and figured I might as well share with all of you Dallas Smith lovers too! I just assume you all love him as much as I do because literally how could you not.

Missing You covered by Kira Isabella

I'm a big fan of the original John Waite version (and the perfectly 80's music video, tbh), so obviously this cover by a country artist caught my eye. I was tentative at first, but can gladly say that I was pleasantly surprised. Even if her voice isn't as husky or gravely as we're used to hearing those lyrics sung.

Deep South by Josh Turner aka The Best Looking Guy in Country Music

Anyone else up for a crawfish boil after listening to this one? Sweet tea? Front porch sittin'? Well that's what I'll be up to in case you're looking for me. Fingers crossed that Josh Turner reads this, grabs his guitar and joins me too. I've always wanted my own troubadour.

I've been especially grateful for good friends and people who ground me this week and am looking forward to a weekend of sleep and very few chores (the best kind of weekend). And also, a special shout out to John who, despite being from Calgary, isn't the biggest fan of country and has to put up with my country music listening ways when he'd rather be listening to his rock 'n' roll. Oh and also because it's his birthday tomorrow (too bad//so sad if you didn't want me to tell people).

Thanks for listening!

February 17, 2017

Catnapping 101

I hope you all had a happy Family Day on Monday and enjoyed your shortened workweek!

If you didn't have a Family Day well... then... I don't know. Maybe you should move to BC? It's beautiful here, just like it says on our license plates. If you aren't interested in a massive life upheaval, then I'll just say that I hope you had a nice, normally-lengthed weekend/week. Either way, it's Friday now so let's just put aside our stat holiday differences and celebrate anyway. K? K.

The First: We Should Be Friends by Miranda Lambert

I won't lie, I have mixed feelings about Miranda's new album but I definitely have a few favourite songs on it, nonetheless, and this is one of them. So yay for a new music video where I almost thought she was going platinum again (literally), but then didn't.

The Second: Darling, Let's Go Out Tonight by JJ Shiplett

Super into the grainy-ness of JJ (so mysterious - what do all the J's stand for??) Shiplett's voice. I mean, do I kind of feel like he needs to clear his throat a few times? Yes. But that's what makes him enticing and like maybe we're all on the edge of hearing his voice disintegrate into a major coughing fit, which is about as close as I get to living my life on the edge of anything. So thanks for challenging my comfort zone, JJ. If that is your real name...

The Third and Final: These Old Boots Have Roots by Aaron Watson

Yes, the title is a little counterintuitive, but the song is fun in typical Aaron Watson fashion. So just go ahead and hit play. You can send your thank you cards later, I'll wait.

No real plans on my end for this weekend after the social butterfly I pretended to be last week, but I hope y'all do something fun. PS The kittens were adorable and I am currently plotting my "accidental" catnapping of the tinier one (Samson). My brother and his partner don't read CMF so it's cool. They'll never know it was me. Especially since I definitely didn't already try to leave their apartment with him.

Thanks for listening!

February 10, 2017

Kittens and Fluoride

With a day off today and a holiday Monday for BC Family Day, I've got an extra-long weekend that I'm really looking forward to! The activity docket highlights include: a kitten cuddle because my brother and his partner just adopted two tiny and adorable babies (eek!!!), a much needed catch-up with an out-of-town friend over brunch, a dentist appointment (does anyone else actually really like going to the dentist? Is it just me??) and then going for hot chocolate with my high school drama teacher (aka my high school hero). I'm hopeful I can time it so that I've got that fancypants hocho in my hands right when the fluoride wears off.

Please don't tell my dentist.

The First: Nothing At All by Baylor Wilson

Baylor has a single out right now called Turn Around and that song is great and all, but I decided to choose this one instead because the melody is just so delightfully different and uplifting. And what else are we all looking for on a Friday other than delightfully different and uplifting music? I mean, probably a glass of wine and and a vat of popcorn, obviously. But I mean other than the necessities, you know?

The Second: Memories Are Made Of by Luke Combs

A simple, sweet, and twangy walk down someone else's memory lane. The recorded version doesn't seem to be available on the Youtube, but this acoustic version will certainly do in the meantime. If you've now discovered you're a fan of Luke Combs (as I can only assume you must be after listening to this one), might I also suggest Out There which he duets with Jacob Bryant, for your extended listening pleasure?

The Third and Final: Kiss By Kiss by Brett Young

In case anyone was wondering, I'm still very much in love with this very talented gem. Because how could anyone not be. Also Brett maybe takes this song on a little Bruno Mars segue that I'm not entirely opposed to (for swooning-related reasons), so there's that too. Anyways, I thought this was a cute February 14th-appropriate song.

Wishing you all a happy Family Day and a very sweet Valentine's, whatever you're up to!

Thanks for listening!