February 5, 2016

The weekend is just around the corner!

And that means it's time to celebrate! So we're just going to jump right in, a la Dallas Smith/Zac Brown Band. Okay? Cool.

The First: Wild At Heart by Gloriana

Man, oh man. Here's a good one if you're looking for a song to enjoy on repeat this weekend. This is old school Gloriana. You know, back when Gloriana was still four people. But then Kimball left. And apparently, as of last month, so did Reinhart. #awkotaco #whatwilltheboysdo?

This song takes me back to the summer of 2010 and getting up to ridiculous antics with one of my best friends, Claire. I think we thought we were approximately as cool as Miley Cyrus thought she was being in Party In The USA, which coincidentally was our other anthem of that summer. Don't be jealous. 

Hands down best part of this song? The frosted tips. (I think somebody was exchanging styling tips with Lance Bass... #awkotacotimestwo)

The Second: American Love Story by LANco

Slowing it down for just a little bit with this one. But between the twang and the way they switch up the rhythms in this song, I think it's well worth the slow down. Plus it's kind of a cute little story.

Please don't ask me what LANco stands for/means because I don't know.

The Third and Final: Red Fire Night by Green River Ordinance

A few weeks ago a friend suggested I take a listen to this song and ohmygoodness THOSE HARMONIES. Into them for surrre.

I will say, however, that a small part of my heart hurts every time I'm reminded that the bonfires of my childhood are no longer a thing that I am able to enjoy. As much as I totally get why it's important, I still greatly dislike the bonfire bans in Vancouver and Victoria. All I want is to sit on a log with my friends while I toast a marshmallow or two over an open flame. But instead I have to settle for roasting marshmallows on my stove and my friends think that's weird so they never join me.

I hope you all have a wonderful Family Day long weekend, if you happen to live in BC where the provincial government has decided that it was 2 cool 4 school to conform to most of the rest of the country on this holiday. Anyways, please enjoy some time with whoever you consider your famjam!

But remember: no bonfires, k? (Or at least not without extending the invite...)

Thanks for listening!

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