October 6, 2017

On repeat.

Here's the current state of things over in my apartment: In the last two hours I've made not one but two cups of tea and forgotten about both of them, causing them to over-steep and get all bitter and gross. I've sorta been trying to pack, write emails, put together CMF, and make a simple cup of tea simultaneously which is really the root of the problem. I threw out the first cup, but I'm forcing myself to drink the second one. Partially because it feels like a waste if I don't but mostly because it seems like an appropriate punishment.

All that to say: unlike my tea-steeping mistakes, this week's songs have been welcome repeat offenders in my apartment lately.

The First: Asking For A Friend by Devin Dawson

I was so torn between two Devin Dawson songs this week. I heard this one first though and it kind of makes me melt so it ultimately won out. But the other song is a groove-worthy winner too so I'm sneaking it in here anyways - it's called I Don't Care Who Sees and it's very good.

The Second: Hide The Wine by Carly Pearce

You already know that my love for these kind of country/blues-y numbers has consistently been on the rise since the summer and I just felt the need to remind you that it's still a thing. I blame my parents for taking me watch to jazz band concerts when I was younger, and also Michael Buble and Maren Morris for my obsession. Oh and by "blame" I really mean "thank".

The Third and Final: Bittersweet Company by Kip Moore

Kip just gets cooler and raspier with every song he puts out, doesn't he? Like, his sound has genuinely changed and matured from his days of hanging out in a truck in a farmer's field, don't you think? Am I only asking leading questions so that you agree with me? Yes. The answer to all of the above is yes.

On a different but important note... my heart breaks over the consistent events of senseless harm happening in this world - most recently in Las Vegas. It's really hard to consider the good that humans can do for one another when we're constantly hearing about those who choose to hurt instead of love. But I suppose these are the times when it's most important to keep love and goodness close to our hearts. If you're celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving - or if you aren't - my hope is that the weekend offers you moments to pause and remember the boundless good that there still is in this world, to give thanks for all that you have and perhaps think of how you can support those who aren't as fortunate, and finally, to hug your loved ones close.
Thanks for listening,

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