November 6, 2015

Don't be shy, be yoncé

So Eric Church took a lesson from Beyoncé (or George Strait, if you're looking for a country reference) and spontaneously released a brand new album on Wednesday by casually just emailing it to members of his fan club (cleverly named the Church Choir, by the way... so good!). Just like, "Hey, how are y'all doing? Yeah, I'm good too. Really happy to have gotten that extra hour of sleep on the weekend, y'know. But oh my goodness now it's sooo dark out, SO early, amiright? Oh hey by the way I made this for you *INSERT NEW ALBUM HERE*"

Literally* that's what he said. How wonderfully outrageous is that?!

(*Okay so maybe not literally, but that was what it felt like.)

The First: Mr. Misunderstood by Eric Church

How could I not include his first single after that intro? I had no choice, really. Now, I will preface by saying that this is not my favourite track off the album. My favourite track off the album upon my first few listens is Knives of New Orleans. BUT YOU CANNOT HOLD ME TO THAT. I've barely had time to really delve into it, if you consider time spent working and sleeping since Wednesday afternoon. And I need time to settle on important life decisions such as this one. But for now, it's that one. Followed closely by Round Here Buzz, which also conveniently follows it on the track list.

Now for the song at hand. I do like Mr. Misunderstood. But I also immediately think of Kelly Clarkson and her song Miss Independent every time I hear it and that jars me a little. So now you know my hesitation.

The Second: Drunk On Your Love by Brett Eldredge

Listen. Brett's been on fire lately, in my mind. And I do mean fire in more ways than one, if you'll recall. I like this one because I think it's different and funky and good.

That's all there is to it.

The Third and Final: Arms of Fire by Brothers Osborne

This is what me giving up and giving in looks like.

I've wanted to feature this song for ages. Ages. But since they haven't released it as a single and it really doesn't look like they're ever going to (shameful), it means that they don't have a recorded version of the song on Youtube for me to share with you. And even though you all know my adoration for live music, the thing is that I don't feel this version really does the song justice. So, I IMPLORE YOU to please listen to the recorded version (it's faster and smoother) of this song on your iTunes or Spotify or whatever.

You owe it to yourself.

Please enjoy your weekend.

Thanks for listening!

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